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!!!It was dropped by the author at ch 250_260 the story is fine ,maybe average, noth worth the time. mc has a system that could advance the wizard technology he teaches to his students ,mc is not dumb ,side charaters are bland and do not have any notable features just the usual average "wizards" that are like a mix bewten 3 rate scientist and a buisnessam who is missing a part of their frontal lobe.
https://69shuba.cx/book/58284/ easy to use ,useer frendly reading site. can copy text,can use TL,
qidian 燃烬之龙
燃烬之龙 这条红龙从苍茫的荒原而来,觊觎世间的一切力量,祂曾有过无数称号:群山怒焰、炼狱天灾、红皇帝、燃烬之龙……世界在巨龙的阴影下颤抖,魔法工业革命的狂潮被他掀起,在他所建立的帝国中,飞龙咆哮,炮火齐鸣,钢铁巨兽出现在天空与大地,又有来自异世界的天灾四处横行。“臣服,或者死亡。”凯修斯展开那遮天蔽日的双翼,俯视着其下瑟瑟发抖的人类、精灵和矮人,如是说道。……一条自带玩家模版的红龙在异世界征服、统治并改造世界的故事。(伪dnd,第四天灾,红龙) 第一百章 伯爵的密道 游戏 14.83万
of course, the author needs his social credits otherwise he could not buy the new national products . any novel with thse element only gets worse, i read into at least 3000 novels with nationalism and racism from chinese writers but none ,none!! get better so if you do not like this drop the novel when finding one and search for another without it .
what did you expect from a novel written by an unknown chinese author? it extremly common for these snot writers to include badly written nationalism and race supremacy or genocide in their weak power fantasy.
i thought this was an mtl of some chinese novel but it looks like the author is not that good with english. the story is good but my god, the typoos amd grammar errors are something else .
i read this on qidian few weeks ago.
the story is shlt, i read this on qidian and its a total waste of time. lazy writing, stupid mc and charaters. the whole power system is boring and badly done despite its potentional.