Preparing a murdering net for you in my books.
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True to your account name, displaying the incapability to show praise genuinely.
Darn it! So good! Beginning to see Maden in a new light.
Love your vocabulary and the investment in the syntax of sentences to enhance the gothic vibe. Love Aysel~
A sneaky sly kid? Is he gonna be ML's brother? Or is he the ML?
Omfg! That was....didn't see it coming
Captor giving advices. LOL. Loving the book and the mythical beings.
You can read this whole book on the app Alpha-novel [Placed the dash intentionally] under the title 'lustful delicacies.' Sorry, I didn't see this review earlier, else would've replied sooner. Also, thank you. Haha, I shall take it as a praise that you had to use bathroom.
It's gonna happen soon. I don't aim to drag plotline with filler content. As you can see the pace is fast and in chapter 13th they are already talking.
What a cover! A pure clickbait worthy that even I had to stop for a few seconds to stare. Shall start reading soon! Good luck! What a cover! A pure clickbait worthy that even I had to stop for a few seconds to stare. Shall start reading soon! Good luck!
[Just a friendly suggestion. You can delete the review later on.] It would improve the stats of the book if you change the book cover to something more specific. Something with a male and female, a wolf and some background.