Read the updating version here!!
Since the day she slid out of the womb, Polly has always dreamed of being a pirate, though she's really only interested in exploring new lands and learning about new cultures (pillaging isn't her cup of tea). As she travels from island to island and meets all sorts of people and creatures, Polly finds herself realizing that there are more things that can't be explained than can.
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"Good day, good sir," she chirped in as cheerful a voice as she could manage while still being salty over the ship fiasco.
"Good day? The sun may be shining and the clouds may be gone, but today is anything but a good day," replied the pirate with a long look.
"Who rained on your parade?" went Polly.
"I shouldn't bother such a pleasant person as you with my tale," sighed the pirate. He cast a forlorn gaze towards the sea and it really would have been quite an aesthetic moment for a picture taker.
"Oh, well then, um, sea you later?" replied Polly who began turning away.
"Alas, it was just this morning when I was a younger man and had not a clue what evils would befall me," started the pirate.
Coincidentally there was a bench which Polly sat herself down on and a stage which the pirate leaped onto.
spicyscribbles · Fantastique