You'll catch me either working, reading, or subtitling... all while drinking coffee ☕️ <-- I think I have an addiction 🤣
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I'd like to see her suffer torture. I'm petty like that lol 😈
😱 I hope not! I also feel sorry for the people living near her for having to deal with her
Lmao with that brain of yours? 🤣 You even stutter while trying to stand your ground against Eve. So ridiculous 😂
I would have had Pierre call Eve, or call her myself to confirm. Just because Pierre is the fiance doesn't mean he has the authority 😤
Welcome back, Pupa! Looking forward to Eve and Alex's journey!
Oof, you could have done better, Eve...
Yay! Another novel from Pupa! 🥳
Should it be "...he snapped his fingers as [he] pointed at her..."?