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Technically he’s not even engaged till he delivers the betrothal gift
When his lifespan is over. The very last day he would live is the day he can break thru. So if his lifespan at qi-12 is 135 years, 5 months, 2 days, he wouldn’t be able to break thru until he’s on the final day
Fr, this is ridiculous, bro should be 4th-5th after a month of dc 7x a day
She has apparently gained a legs increase in spiritual sense, because bros soul is much more robust than others
It should say husband
I mean, the description said nothing about this lol. Bro thought it’d be a process and take a long time, not a couple hours💀😂
You’re way is making dude dare bro to do something, it is written as a question tho.
Why would anyone sell these unless they’re too high level? It’s always useful to be able to replenish energy immediately
That is wild