A literal Gundam.
de la lecture
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https://static.wikia.nocookie .net/gundam/images/5/51/Selene_mcgriff.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170621154624
Quantum Computer Virus Transmission System is a real thing huh, NMS-X07PO Gel Finieto from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray B
Ayy stealthy boy
MC: I just want to raise my garbage pilot stats lol(also it improves my body for night fights with the wife)
I was thinking the monophasic shield was just the light wave barrier shield from atremis this entire time not knowing it was actually the Hyperion Gundam bubble shield. whoops
Love it , one flower to cause all this.
Find him more married women.
Eventually Everyone: This couple just keeps giving each other weird sht all the time.
Dearka, what kind of flowers does your mom like?
Lightwave Barrier