I am part of way too many fandoms. I now have three books published on Amazon as part of the 50 things to know series! Check them out!
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Yes! I already have a love interest chosen
I was originally thinking a boy but I’m definitely open to considering a girl. I had another reader suggest Violet which could be interesting.
I didn’t even think to put Raya and Violet together so I’ll definitely consider it, it could be a very interesting pair. The next chapter will be up later tonight!
I’m just seeing this know and I love that you’re rereading it 🥺 Thank you so much for the support. I’m about half way through the next chapter. It’s not coming out the way I want it too so it’s taken a bit longer but hopefully I can get it out within the next week or two
I’m good! I’ll be posting a chapter every Sunday! If I have the chance I’ll try to post more but between work and the holidays I’m not sure if I’ll have the time.
I definitely didn't want to drop it. Just had a severe case of lack of motivation so it took forever to get back into it. I'm so happy to be back writing though :)
It's on hold right now. I started a new job with Disney so I've been really busy adjusting. I'm hoping to pick up writing again soon.
I know, I'm so sorry about that! I'm trying to get it out asap but my work schedule has changed so I'm getting used to that and the chapter I'm working on hasn't been coming out the way I want it to. Hopefully it will be coming out soon though!
Thank you so much! I'm going to be updating my last two chapters of Chasing Butterflies this coming week and then I'll be back to this book. So hopefully within the next couple of weeks there will be an update
This comment made me so happy. I literally love writing Scar so much so to know that you like her made my day