

2020-06-09 JointUnited States

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  • ejhunt99

    Should be around 3 meters tall considering that they are 3 blocks tall in Minecraft and a block in Minecraft is a meter tall

    His clawed hands now dropped almost to the floor, barely touching the ground, and his legs flexed with suspicious ease. His skin was stretched over his ribs, showing every bone in his body. He was still slightly hunched over in pain, so it wasn't even his full height, but judging by how far the ground was from his view, he was very tall.
    HP: Magic of the End
    Livres et littérature · Simple_Russian_Boi
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à Rex_Raz

    Ya it got out of hand really quick

    Intelligence: 2
    I Became A Zompirewolf
    Fantaisie · AkshatArpit
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à FalseProphet_

    Nothing you just said disproved my statement. All you did was compliment yourself and insult me why’ll questioning the things I was saying had anything to do with intelligence. The MC getting all his information from other people and not books was my point. Those people probably are not teachers and if there is some they are probably more occupied with keeping their heads down than teaching basic skills like history or math. “Why would Werewolves who keep humans as food and slaves teach them how to fight” 1 I never stated that the werewolves were teaching him how to fight 2 again that’s my point he lacks combat skills. What do social skills have anything to do with intelligence? Did you read my first reply opening with Oxford’s definition of “intelligence” which attributed a person’s intelligence to how well they can learn and apply skills and guess what? The MC at the moment doesn’t have a lot of skills and knowledge at the moment. History and math knowledge past a basic degree most likely doesn’t have any combat skills, and not a lot of social skills. Those are 4 examples for why his intelligence is so low none of which you disproved. Also, why are you being so rude? I wrote this entire response without insulting you once. Have a good day.

    Intelligence: 2
    I Became A Zompirewolf
    Fantaisie · AkshatArpit
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à FalseProphet_

    “the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.” The dictionary Now I’m not sure of his ability to acquire knowledge yet but I think he would definitely be lacking with the applying part. He at most knows basic math, doesn’t have any combat training, probably doesn’t know to much of history before the whole zombie vampire werewolf thing, and at the moment doesn’t seem to have much social skills either. Also please if you are going to tell me I’m incorrect at least explain how you think I’m incorrect, so as not to just say I am.

    Intelligence: 2
    I Became A Zompirewolf
    Fantaisie · AkshatArpit
  • ejhunt99

    It makes sense. Without proper schooling most people would probably end up with an intelligence of 2.

    Intelligence: 2
    I Became A Zompirewolf
    Fantaisie · AkshatArpit
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à Vora_Vixen


    The young girl laid on her back and looked up at the sky. The snow that was falling had become even heavier. She stared blankly up at the cloudy sky with her pitch-black eyes growing dull. A single snowflake fluttered down and landed on her nose. Her already purple lips slowly parted: "It seems humans are nothing but demons in disguise… If I am ever to be reborn, then I would rather be a fucking bug than a human."
    Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System
    Fantaisie · invayne
  • ejhunt99

    Because the MC is always right and knows the best ways to solve every problem

    But I'm not his friend, so I can't give him my five-star advice.
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · OriosGrafeas
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à ejhunt99

    Long* and they*

    As the days go by I'm seriously considering attending UA. Yes, I've joked about being a villain, well they were in no way jokes, but I've reconsidered. Like I said I'm very much aware of this world and all its dark corners. If I was one of those dark hero type of people I would side with the villains, but I am not. I understand that this world is not fair and never has been since the appearance of quirks, even before then. Overhaul makes a good point with that, but he went about it all wrong. Stain makes a great point as well. Most new heroes only care about the money and the fame, even the power if we look at Endeavor. Katsuki himself bragged about becoming the best and most rich hero in the future, showing exactly what Pain was talking about. There are less and less heroes out there actually working for the people. While I'm not the biggest fan of All Might I will acknowledge the fact that he cares for others and truly wants to save others. That's all I'll give him though.
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · OriosGrafeas
  • ejhunt99

    As lon as thy do their job competently and without corruption I don’t really so being a hero for fame and money as that big of a problem. And we already know what happened to the corrupt ones when they showed up.

    As the days go by I'm seriously considering attending UA. Yes, I've joked about being a villain, well they were in no way jokes, but I've reconsidered. Like I said I'm very much aware of this world and all its dark corners. If I was one of those dark hero type of people I would side with the villains, but I am not. I understand that this world is not fair and never has been since the appearance of quirks, even before then. Overhaul makes a good point with that, but he went about it all wrong. Stain makes a great point as well. Most new heroes only care about the money and the fame, even the power if we look at Endeavor. Katsuki himself bragged about becoming the best and most rich hero in the future, showing exactly what Pain was talking about. There are less and less heroes out there actually working for the people. While I'm not the biggest fan of All Might I will acknowledge the fact that he cares for others and truly wants to save others. That's all I'll give him though.
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · OriosGrafeas
  • ejhunt99

    He was in kindergarten or preschool and had the forethought of a child. Of course he didn’t prepare for his future at that age. Just because the MC has the intelligence of an average adult or teenager doesn’t mean that the other kids do. And even when he got older, he didn’t have a quirk and never expected to be able to become a hero so why would he train to become one?

    Izuku was a wimp. Now he's badass, however, but I can't get over the fact that he let Katsuki bully him for ten years without even trying to fight back. He had ten years to invest himself, ten years to work towards his goal and all he did was jot down notes on people's quirk. While his notes are spot on, he should have at least taken the time to train. He wants to be a hero yet he doesn't try to learn to fight. He does realize that fighting is part of the job, doesn't he?
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · OriosGrafeas
  • ejhunt99

    Another thing. I think the MC is missing some details about how All Might got into the possession he is in, in the first place. So let’s go back before quirks in the MHA universe, everything is just a normal. The worlds infrastructure is the government, police, hospitals, firefighters. All these things to make sure society doesn’t fall apart. Then quirks became a thing and shook everything. Then there was another pillar, hero’s. But then another event happened. All for one. Unlike all the other villains that could be stopped be most regular hero’s All for one was was much stronger and smarter for any of the hero’s of the time to stop, and I believe he did or got really close to completely knocking down all the pillars of society. (Correct me if I’m wrong). Then another big event happened, One for all. Now I don’t know what happened between the first user of OFA and all might but we could assume the every time AFO needed stopping. It had to be done by the current user of OFA. So it put the current user of OFA is a position that as long as AFO excised he/she would be needed to stop him. All might didn’t put himself in a position so that he is always needed because without him society would fall. All for one put all might in that position because if all might wasn’t there to stop him, he would (and eventually does) completely knock down all the other smaller pillars of society.

    That sounds nice and all but is it really a good thing? Everyone in Japan relies on this man to save the day. No one is afraid because he is always there to protect them with this joyous smile on his face. A smile that brings with it comfort and reassurance. That's all well and nice, but sometimes I wonder if it won't backfire. Of course, it'll backfire. The anime shows us this when he retires and leaves everything to Endeavor and Izuku.
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · OriosGrafeas
  • ejhunt99

    Why is she contemplating the effects of what could happen, when she already knows the outcome?

    That sounds nice and all but is it really a good thing? Everyone in Japan relies on this man to save the day. No one is afraid because he is always there to protect them with this joyous smile on his face. A smile that brings with it comfort and reassurance. That's all well and nice, but sometimes I wonder if it won't backfire. Of course, it'll backfire. The anime shows us this when he retires and leaves everything to Endeavor and Izuku.
    Seemingly Impossible (Mha Fic)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · OriosGrafeas
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à ejhunt99

    Wow, my spacing has completely disappeared

    The young girl laid on her back and looked up at the sky. The snow that was falling had become even heavier. She stared blankly up at the cloudy sky with her pitch-black eyes growing dull. A single snowflake fluttered down and landed on her nose. Her already purple lips slowly parted: "It seems humans are nothing but demons in disguise… If I am ever to be reborn, then I would rather be a fucking bug than a human."
    Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System
    Fantaisie · invayne
  • ejhunt99

    Please don’t be a ‘human bad, monster/elf/anything not human good’ story

    The young girl laid on her back and looked up at the sky. The snow that was falling had become even heavier. She stared blankly up at the cloudy sky with her pitch-black eyes growing dull. A single snowflake fluttered down and landed on her nose. Her already purple lips slowly parted: "It seems humans are nothing but demons in disguise… If I am ever to be reborn, then I would rather be a fucking bug than a human."
    Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System
    Fantaisie · invayne
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à Lukas_dark


    [x1 System]
    The Legend of the Blade
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Dawei
  • ejhunt99


    [EX] [Never Dies]
    The Legend of the Blade
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Dawei
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à Timis

    I absolutely hated how the effect was permanent. It made me hate hermoine so much, and completely ruined the any chance of me reading the books.

    Pansy Parkinson - doing it right this time -
    Livres et littérature · Timis
  • ejhunt99
    Répondu à Rain_NingYUSSSS


    "Purr... Purr... Vanessa will calm down." Elysia stroked Vanessa's head and fur a little to calm her down because the previous incident really made Vanessa so tense, even her fur and tail were still erected to intimidate, like a cat, but she was a large white pure cat.
    Quick Transmigration: Goddess Of My Imagination
    Fantaisie · YuuZu
  • ejhunt99

    Wow information he withheld

    Naruto had already explained to his mother what had happened as an infant, but he did not tell her that her son's soul had disappeared, as he did not want to see her suffer.
    The Legend of the Kyubi
    Anime et bandes dessinées · GenoXX
  • ejhunt99

    That kid isn’t going to last long

    Dr. Tsubasa, who came to pick up his grandson, accompanied them. He still seemed pretty bored, like the last time she saw him last month. She had finally been cleared from the monthly visits last month after a full year had passed with no issues.
    Android 21 With A Monster Girl System (MHA Story)
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Phantowhite