I will slay the capitalist 🐷 and make everyone realize the communist dream!
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The first section of my review is dismissing the negative reviews, skip it if you want an actual review. A lot of the negative reviews here are either from people confused by the start of the story, which is set in the 1st timeline and acts as an introduction to the character of Seeker, so unless you want to be confused don't skim through it, the other negative comments are about nationalism e.g USA good Russia bad and all that shabang: 1 this is set like 100 years into the future and there's been a 3rd world war and a mini apocalypse between the modern day and the period the book is set in; next up, some people are having issues with the selection of nations who betrayed humanity in the original timeline, with all due respect if it bothers you that much just think it's a different nation. Time for my actual review: as of writing this I have caught up to the latest non-privilege and i must say well done author on creating this world even if the updates aren't as often as I'd like, for the pros of this story: the characters are all relatively well developed compared to media in general and when compered to novels on this sight it stands well above the rest .With the characters most, often being multifaceted with their own goals and ambitions wherever they be human or 'alien'. If there was one thing that this story does particularly well it would be how intelligent the characters act, as some of the plans are extremely convoluted but effective as the main character and his costars are very much underdogs, and it is oh so satisfying when things go just right. Religion is a huge plot point in this novel: not in a one religion good every other bad, but more so in the way it can be utilised to manipulate the world and it's people. The only downside is that the update frequency has slowed down as this novel isn't as popular as the author's other novels so show new game+ some love and let's get some more chapters. thanks for reading my review.
thx for the chapter
author you're doing great so for just one minor issue, chemtech is a derivative of shimmer, so what's happening rn makes little sense, it would make more sense if these were just regular mines or standard drug manufacturing facilities
it is our destiny to inherit the stars
this is a good novel with great writing and a good concept however I've got some issues with the sheer amount of nsfw scenes, like there's been at least 10 chps that are just pornograpy and it just upsets the flow of the story also, you seriously had to have a harem, I'm disappointed in you author, for a man who is apparently very knowledgeable his personality isn't very wise.
thank you author for making one of the best books I've ever read
I'm guessing that's gonna be another one of the MC's
another potential way of solving this quest would be asking for some water and whilst the butlers getting done you place the pill under you're tongue, and swallow with the water whilst retaining the pill in your mouth pro: no need to throw up con: you have to have some skill in subtle muscle control and lying