

2020-05-09 JointGlobal



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The Scent Of Lust And Tears

Twenty-year-old Felice Bonny from Kingston knows many things. She knows how long she can hold her breath. She knows how many steps it is from her room to the garden. She knows that her stepmother doesn't have a drop of goodness in her body. She knows her father is wrapped around her stepmother's finger. She knows that she doesn't belong to the place she calls home. She also knows she's ignorant of the world beyond the walls of her home. Felice, daughter of a lord and former sailor, has lived a life in wealth. But wealth also comes with ignorance and captivity, or so does Felice think. Felice can imagen that her stepmother and halfsister see it as the opposite. Felice never expected to follow her heart. Never expected to follow her, and she deceased mother's, dreams. Never expected to see the ocean again. Smell it. Feel it. Never expected to sail over the many seas. To be free from the expectations her family had. From the upcoming forced marriage. The corsets. The dresses. Never expected actual friends. True love. Never occurred to her. In the slightest. Until she met the captain of the Black Pearl. Disclaimer!! **I do not own most of the characters in this story nor do I own the pirates of the Caribbean franchise. However, I do own some characters like Felice, her family, Prince Felipe, and other characters along with the story. I've also taken several lines from the movie to match my storyline up with the original, along with events. All credit to the creators behind this amazing series** --English is not my first language, so feel free to come with improvements:)--

evalouise789 · Livres et littérature
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