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i really hope the author doesn't try using his tongue on gums and teeth. he will never see that girl again.
laying pipe is having sex, not pooping. when someone says they went to your girlfriends house to lay pipe, it's not to poop.
even split it would be at 2 so 2 to 3. also, that would be an assumption, it was never acrually said...
a dagger is a sharp object, blunt is like a baseball bat, a hammer, or your fist.
Just a comment about the picture. You can always just do AI pics. That way, nobody can claim it as theirs. If they do, then you can send them to the AI pic generator that you got it from and avoid any legal hassles.
literally have dwarven technicians in conversion pool
Can't he just remove the cores and make more?
pretty sure this was a glitch in the translation program they used
you forgot bat knights
i think that is it as well. make them look like idiots