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I waited so eagerly for so long for this story, it can't be over now. the plot is growing nicely, characters developing nicely. please continue with this work
as sad as I am to see the last of this story, it was a pleasure to read it all. all drawings were of the highest quality, the evolving story line and even the conclusion were all masterfully completed. well done to all involved.
no way! this story was just starting to ramp up to an amazing climax! so much build up, such a great storyline, such a unique principle, the transfer from one abstract wonder to another! it must go on to its natural conclusion, not cut off as it gets better and better! please continue this story, it is amazing!
a thoroughly enjoyable comic, the character developments and wide,varied world the story is set in has been growing nicely.quite upset that it has stopped as it has. hope to see further development in the future.
brilliant usage of a rather peculiar bit of a start. not an entirely unique approach, but a well performed one. fervently waiting for the author and artist to get back to work, as i enjoyed all aspects of this comic
have been forlornly hoping for more chapters to miraculously appear. the growth of all characters has been most entertaining and I looked forward to so much more to come. i hope that the writer and illustrator can continue on this brilliant work.
oh no! surely there is more to come! this has been wonderful to read, the goddess developments leave so much room to grow the story further! the premise of the cup and its integration into his daily life has been a truly unique tool. i expect to see more of this story.