


im avery

2020-04-16 JointUnited States



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Marvel: The Ultimate Symbiote

Carnage reigns in New York, villians attack government buildings and criminals steal and rob corner stores while all this happens only one person can stand up to these villains and his name is Spiderman. Fighting criminals everyday and continously fighting superhuman mutants spiderman slowly loses his touch and gets weaker as time passes. The villians of New York see this and make a move on spidey and as such New York no longer has a super hero to save them anymore. Due to this the police cant handle all of the supernatural power of the villians and hence chaos begins. Buildings broken down and piles of dead bodies lay while the villians laugh in bliss. There dream became true, world domination. New York now is a wasteland people have been locking themselves into their own homes hoping that a villian doesnt appear. Living in fear the citizens couldnt handle much more. Luckily a new "Spiderman" appears namely our MC. Being reincarnated into the body of a symbiote expeirmentee he could only be angry. Toturing pain everyday until he escapes with the new powers of his mutated symbiote he then continues to save the world and start a "new" New York. ATTENTION: This story is by no means pre planned. Nor will i post many chapters due to school and my extra activities so do not i mean do not expect a good update time neither do i want you to expect that i am dedicated to this book since im not so i hope you understand, thank you for your time.

4very · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Anime World Traveler System

Otaku, Yami was a boy disliked by everyone because of how dirty and ugly he looks. He was abandoned by his parents because he was dubbed an "accident" as soon as he was born and from then on he lived in the orphanage and was always alone, doing twice the chores as the other kids because he was despised by the nuns working there. Until one lucky day that he genuinely felt happiness, he was adopted by a couple that was incapable of producing a baby so they went to the orphanage and adopted Yami a whole after that he got suggested from someone to watch anime couple of day later he started watching anime and reading maga, it was his only escape from his past. While walking down the street one day he heard a girls cry from afar and he naturally ran toward the women what he found shocked for a second but then noticed what he had to do, the thug was trying to force himself on her and when he noticed Yami running toward him he pulled out a knife and stabbed Yami right there and then Yami had an emotionless stare knowing what would happen, but died knowing he saved that woman. After that he arrived in a dark void that went on for miles upon miles but Yami just stayed there just waiting and waiting for someone or something just staring at the darkness loosing different emotions day by day until one day that he saw someone and the man with a long beard asked him how long was the child there and he answered with "I stopped counting after 834,000,000 days." the man was shocked and gave him 5 wishes for his troubles and reincarnated him in the world of his choice. (Mc looks like the guy in the book cover.) (Constructive reviews always help and I'll try my best to learn from your advice.) [Realease Schedule will be 1 chapter a week and I'll try my best to keep my word count towards 400--500 words.] [If I get stones schedule will be as shown] __________________ [ 20= 1 Chapter. ] [ 40= 2 Chapters ] [ 60= 3 Chapters ] [ 80= 4 Chapters ] [ 100= 5 Chapters ] [I Hope you enjoy]

4very · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs