Pokémon Trainer and Duelist hahaha
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They still work, but they're harder to learn and master because they're very powerful moves.
Of course, after all, Porygon is a computer system that evolves through updates. If a hacker couldn’t update it, that would be a bit embarrassing, hahahaha.
I should remember that at this point in the timeline, Porygon hasn’t been fully created yet, hehehehe.
There are really some old descriptions that can’t be taken seriously. If I were to talk about Magcargo, I’d say something like, "Magcargo has an extremely high body temperature, comparable to an active volcano, but all this heat is contained within its body, with its shell preventing it from leaking out, keeping Magcargo’s external body temperature between 40 and 80 degrees Celsius." Yeah, something more along those lines, like the mysticism around Ponyta and Rapidash not burning their trainer if they like them. For me, Magcargo’s shell prevents its "internal volcano from erupting." That last part is just a joke, though.
Not all of them, but I’m not going to limit myself to just six Pokémon. I like too many Pokémon to stick to that.
Lol, i didn't even remember that I had used that as his laugh, but since he's still a child, I think I'll gradually change it to show his evolution.
Yeah, he needs it.
Hi, thank you for reading my story. Regarding the regions, he will travel through them at some point, this is just the initial part, showing a bit of the MC's childhood. As for the game mechanics, I will try to incorporate them because I really like them.