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Ok, so escalating to using insults for being caught using AI, for clearly more than translation, makes you look better, ok. At least you're admitting to using AI, although you're attempting to down-play how much exactly, which is funny because if it were translating, it would not have left the plot or sub plot title markers. They are only left when prompted by GPT for what plots you want within a chapter. Just ran a translated AI generated chapter of a shinobi in Star Wars. So nice try, even though your excuse was debunked 3 minutes excluding the amount time I'm currently working to debunk your sorry excuse while working at my job.
Yeah no, the its a "Translation" or not my first language excuse isn't gonna fly when a completely different author, NoctisAether, uses the same exact format after several chapters as your chapters. 1. Sectioned off portions of the chapters summarizing the next events like a title or explanation (same way DeepSeek and ChatGpt will do if given a prompt) 2. End if chapters ending a summarized narrative of previous events and what's to come. 3. Some events or character thoughts being or actions very repetitive either in the previous chapter, the same chapter, or the previous paragraph. Yeah I've tested ChatGpt and DeepSeek, and for both of yours and NoctisAether's work to carry the same exact style to the point I could draw comparisons upon seeing both works easily, Yeah no your free to convince yourself but this Fanfiction is AI written and copy and pastedand posted.
Despite the author stating in the comments of another review that he only uses a small amount of AI for grammar, the entire fan fic is AI-generated. At some point, the author leaves the plot ques the AI used to show different scenes and plots. During the 2nd Shinobi World War, the author post AI repeated scenes that with the same AI format. It's clearly not translated but AI generated when there is another Otsutsuki fan fic with the same format and structure and chapter endings that give the same style of epilogue exposition along with AI separating different scenes or plots with lines of text less than 7-8 words. I would rate this fan fic a 0 for lies from the author and poorly AI written work if Webnovel would allow it, but sadly, the minimum is 1.0.
Author please explain how she or anyone knows he needs bloodlines.
The weaknesses list are all made up for story purposes. this notes is for future readers.
yep AI
Overall score of 0.6, mainly because the story is clearly AI writing. There are several times in the beginning chapters that are sectioned off by titles as if given a prompt and told to go with it and the author just copied and pasted the chapter without taking out the sub-headers meant to address user-entered prompt for topics intended to be entered into the chapter. There are several times the writing loops back to an already mentioned section or characters repeating themselves or others like other AI-written stories tend to do, especially when it comes to exposition to explain certain reasoning or for why the Main Character is doing something as if the AI is for exposition prompted. At some point the author leaves in bullet points. If you're Interested in AI-written stories that are rushed and pushed out as quickly as this, enjoy. I just wished there was an AI tag for forced on books like this.
How does she know about the otsutsuki who were unknown for almost another 40 to 50 years?
The build and structure of this chapter screams AI. Especially some previous chapter or 2 had a line that was like titles to a new section like Chat GPT would use. Gonna read further to test the depth.
you gotta readjust the ai or either get a better understanding of the source material