

2020-03-24 JointUnited States

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  • JDog04
    JDog048 days ago

    The author doesn’t update unless you subscribe to his Patreon or give 1,000 stones and this book might be stolen from another author because I think I’ve read a book similar to this one. I love the book but the author is just greedy for stones and Patreon subscribers so this just kills the enjoyment I had for the book. Writing quality is good but could be better and the story’s mc doesn’t just rely on the force instead of learning him self.

  • JDog04
    JDog042 months ago

    We all know there are monsters on old Valyrian so what if there are mutated dragons who can’t fly and they are as large as a rhino with no wings and ability to breathe fire. Also add the banished general challenge a alpha male of a rhino pack and tame it and the group to make a small group of 2/3 armored rhino charging units to destroy the front of the army and heavy the knights follow up behind. The rhino’s are found first and tamed to a extent and then ship the females and young ones back to the king so he can raise them as war animals. Have a ark where the Prussian king give a private piece of land to have his assassin live with there children in a hidden forest in the hills where there fortress/camp is at. For the dragon there not easy to tame or raise since they don’t have Valyrian blood but they also are kind of nice to people of Valyrian blood but don’t bind to them because of there degrading nature. The land dragons can be tamed by any one if they are raised from a egg which takes a 6 months to a year to hatch in cold dark places. They also don’t have great vision like elephants but great since of smell which is how they see the world like snakes. That’s why you can tame them to a extent like a dog who thinks as you as family but will attack you if you hurt them. The inland where they are found is covered with mist and the animals have adapted and evolved so that why some dragons died off while others learned not to use there wings because you can’t see your prey in the sky. The land dragons have tough scales because they live in cave and they fight all the time with other creatures to survive and there species has learned to lay 5 to 6 eggs per female because most don’t survive to adulthood either by starvation because the mother feeds them until there 6 months as big as a 1 year old cat then they hunt on there own. They have tough scales stronger then normal dragons there age, stronger bones and more powerful but comes at a cost of flexibility and agility, smart hunters and are omnivores but meat is needed constantly for healthy growth, eat certain plants that help them clout faster from wounds and provides a antibiotic effect for them(some animals like monkeys actually do eat plants with certain effects).

  • JDog04
    JDog045 months ago

    Great book and great ending. I enjoyed the development of the characters and how all the major characters each had a good ending. One major surprise and I loved it is how mc died as hitler and then went back to his previous body in the new world he helped create.

  • JDog04
    JDog046 months ago

    The story was okay at first but when author gets to chapter 150 or so starts using ai completely ruined the novel for me and not most of the chapters are like a Chinese light novel explaining stuff just in details none stop. A lot of authors are using so and it’s ruining their stories please stop using it and write it your self. I love the beginning of the story but it now another great book ruined by ai book writing.

  • JDog04
    JDog048 months ago

    Keep going this is a good rewrite loving the new beginning with this. The old chapter was not that great with the mc character but I loving this new mc in the rewrite.

  • JDog04
    JDog048 months ago

    I think you should add a prelude about pirates attacking Prussian trade. it can fit in to the story because some lords of other kingdoms or rich owners of the free city’s don’t like how much money is lost from ban on slave training. Another side chapter you can add is small raids conducted by the iron island vassals.the small attacks are to cause problems for prussia which is is planned move to have the king of prussia negotiate with the iron lands so they can exstort him for gold since the king has all ways try to make deals to avod conflict. They also know that the reach are rich because of trade and in the leader of house joy mind it’s a easy way to make money to build up a war chest to rebel against king Robert so the leader of house grey joy can become a king. If that’s still in the story line. Love the story keep up the great work and hope you also avoid ai story writing because lot of lazy writers use that now and it makes finding good books like yours hard to find.

  • JDog04
    JDog04a year ago

    This is a great book to read and I enjoyed following the main character on his journey. One thing I think that would of made this book better is more in depth fight scenes towards the end of the book. When I started to read chapter 500 the story telling got real bad because it was a part when the author told storie of 2 S.C.T soldier clearing a part of the city and the fight scene was quote ( 1 and 2 were shot a zombie and more zombies came out but 1 and 2 were not afraid because they were trained and the shot at zombies bravely and with courage to make the city safe they cleared the zombies and were tired but happy) this is a crappy example but when you made a 2 to 3 chapters talking about the experience of the soldiers clearing the city I would want more details and not just rushed chapter with none of the great story telling the author did from beginning to 400th chapters that was written. I loved this book and I can wait for more updates from your other series.

  • JDog04
    JDog04a year ago

    Doom definitely because the epic showdown between the doom slayer or better the fight against the the sentinels vs the god of carnage.