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I feel like the beginning of the story was actually pretty good and engaging but after he “died” and became a chaos devourer it became just dumb I don’t want to hate or anything it’s still an above average story but I feel like he kept getting new powers and it wasn’t making that much sense But yea I don’t want to hate but c’mon man I don’t remember the last time he even had used the trident or even what the first trail even represented and then he lost that one titan gene idk man just a lot of wasted potential But don’t let how I feel stop you from wanting to read the story Give it a chance and see if you like it Also I feel like the author should just make a new story and used this was as a representation of what not to do
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Inspiration capsule
I’m on chapter 46 and I’m liking the beginning of this story and I just don’t want to be invested just for this story with good potential to stop
Aye honestly my fault I’m really liking this story man keep up the good work PLEASE DO NOT DROP IT
Hey I just started reading your story I hope you keep updating it because it seems really promising !
Ngl I don’t want to spread hate but this skill list and the gene are almost the exact same as bloodline system
Yo y’all is this story nothing but a porno or does it actually have more plot than sex scene like what is the sex to plot ratio because if it’s just sex with little plot I can’t read that ?
Hey I want you to know I’m about start reading your novel, but the main thing I want to say is don’t let other people tell you how to write YOUR story ok. Keep up the good work champ I wish I could write a story nice job man.
Idk this is weird the story is pretty mid and at best slightly above average idk why it has such glowing reviews but don’t get me wrong it’s not a bad story just not a amazing one