Life is good, reincarnation is better.
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Tks for the chapter
This fanfic is a masterclass, the story is unique and wonderful, the protagonist is funny and the flow of the story is good. The only problem I could raise is Percy's attitude which I don't like but that's just my opinion. Bravo author for this fanfic hoping it's long and incredible.
Where is the nother Chapter ???
Tftc, author can we have a picture of the mc please ?
I’m waiting this fanfic impatiently, good luck author
the story is really amazing, new and really well written. I'm looking forward to the sequel, good luck author. Dkkdidkdkd’fkfkdkdkkd’dkfkkfddkkdffkkfkfkkkfkkfkkfkf
It’s very good i like it The grammar is good and I like the main character xxffffffffffffffffffffffffccc. Cvccccc. C. C. Cccccccc. Cccccv
If it's to make unimportant comments you could shut up.
honestly can't you delete this comment?