


Em busca da ascensão

2019-12-25 JointGlobal

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  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoista year ago

    It was confusing in the previous chapter and at the beginning of this one, it seems like parts were missing and it was confusing. I've seen the same thing before when out of nowhere the MC went from being in the mission hall looking at the portrait to being on the mountain. If the author or translator can see this, it means I'm confused and I was really enjoying the novel, I don't want to put it down because of a silly mistake.

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    Let me be clear, I haven't read anything beyond the first few lines and I can tell you why the author put up that little caveat. Don't take this the wrong way, if you've published this novel elsewhere and received comments about how illogical it was and the dumb mc, it's because it doesn't make sense or at least it's not clear to beings with limited compression like us (someone who doesn't understand the what the author wants to express). The synopsis is saying that he built an empire and then was betrayed (he worked hard for the empire to flourish), but in the first lines he is shown as a kind of salaried employee fired from a black organization that did not recognize his worth. Let's be fair, was anyone of extreme worth (or who worked hard for the empire to flourish) going to be discarded by the leader or emperor of that empire? Someone with this passive personality who would humiliate himself could not be planning a coup d'état, and there would be no reason for a leader to discard someone if not out of distrust. All these assumptions are on the basis that he is someone of extreme worth who helped and worked for the empire to flourish. But here, he doesn't even seem like someone important? Though supposedly he must have some merit to be merely useful. I won't leave a negative review because I haven't read that work, this comment is just my first impression. Feel free to disagree.

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    Because he mentioned a 'mission in his body?' I thought his personality was to be cautious. He knows that someone is hunting transmigrators and yet he gives a hint to someone 'apparently' unrelated. Didn't he think about the possibility that this information could be gotten out of the girl by someone who investigated her spawn log or revealed by Ella purposely or inadvertently? Furthermore, previously he wasn't even worried about switching sides with the bandits if that worked, apparently not worried if he had to kill the villagers along with the raid. Not now, "Tyler still shuddered at the thought. He was grateful he hadn't laid a hand on Avril (Elle) last night; otherwise, the resurrected Wolf would likely have laid waste to Wrathville."

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    I don't know how he can gather so much information in the previous chapter without arousing suspicion, asking for the full names of his father, stepmothers, and siblings isn't exactly common. In addition to age, sequence of birth, and whose mother each was born to. In that chapter he knew the maid's name without even asking. The first 3 chapters were well written and showed their thought process, as well as being somewhat realistic, now I just feel like they stopped worrying about consistency.

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    I never understood these abused hero tropes, if you have the power to be on top of the world, don't you have the power to get revenge? The only thing stopping him would be his "hero" morals, which isn't worth much considering that in his next life he'll be acting like a villain.

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen please be chosen

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    I'm on a hunger strike, I refuse to touch any romance on this site if it's all fast food once again. By God there is no serious and well-worked work in a long time. It feels like I'm trying to find a diamond in a pile of nothing.

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    I still don't understand, what did they think?

  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    Good, some edits would do, sometimes I don't understand anything. And could you explain what was going on when the MC looked in the mirror in the first few chapters? He said that the other god forgot to mention something, and so far it hasn't been elaborated upon. I am eager, I won't be at peace until I know.

    Ce livre a été supprimé.
  • MestreDaoist
    MestreDaoist2 years ago

    Isn't that cover very inviting, a Justin Bieber and a Barbie doll? If I hadn't seen a recommendation for this novel I wouldn't have clicked. Yes, I'm so shallow. Here, receive this beauty: