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Update soon please
Author-san I am a new reader and I want to ask when will you start writing the overlord ff's again?
where is masa from kaiju no 8 ??
Update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please update please
masa should create a magic academy in his domain where the devils of his domain will learn,research and create new magic just like Issei's dress break
Damn , this was a great fanfic
He's going to copy Levi I just know it.
Also since masa obtained tatsuya's DNA can he use tatsuya's innate magics? if he can't then he should clone tatsuya using the DNA he got and devour the clone. (just a humble suggestion)
akikan I have a question. since masa released his spunk inside Maya why didn't she try to clone him or use his DNA in some capacity? it doesn't make sense !!!! magicians are crazy enough to create a child with incest if it creates strong magicians!!!! so what gives??!!