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I like the novel.i hope you dont drop it I'll drop stones whenever I get on to read
love the novel keep it up👈👈
is this dropped?I liked the novel was saving up chaps but noticed it's been awhile.since update
been waiting for this story to continue
love the novel but need more update plz update more often 🙏 I will donate stones whenever I get on.all five stars been waiting on those c a ps before I read all my stocked chaps
yo rereading hope you get some updates in soon
fan-fic rocks bro keep u ppl the good work.your doing great 5 stars.are you gonna write your own novel or another fan-fic after?also do you have an estimate on how long the fan-fic gonna be?
love the fan-fic.its the best atg fan-fic I've ever read hope that it wont be dropped
When are you gonna update.i like the through it a couple times.