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I don't understand how it is possible for Bear Island to become a large commercial node. If I were on the east coast, with the city states and all of Essos, there wouldn't be any kind of problem, but being on the West Coast, who are you going to do business with?
Yes, but everything you've said is still something later, why would Palpatine treat him well in the beginning? He's a clone with the force, so what? If they can't replicate it,He is not very different from a normal person and even if he were to have a lot of "mithichlorian" (whatever), unless he was at the level of anaki, he would not be very different from any Jedi. I don't see why he would treat the MC well, when Darth Maug and Count Dooku treat them like dogs, even if they are talented.
What a mess the author has gotten into with God. I know that some people "revere" some developers like Miyazaki as a joke, but don't exaggerate either.
You have to keep in mind that it is in Japan, not in the USA, in that country it does not put as many obstacles to creativity as in Europe or the USA when there is ideology involved. Many games of that era did not pass the ultra-thin filter that existed and many of them were Japanese. And although I understand your point, I would like to see those games that were successful today even though they were not mainstream, in a time when they are. Plus it would be pretty funny to see "Papers, Please" the day after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
I like the novel. I have seen the Chinese novel on which it is based, although it was a good novel, the stale Chinese vision of how the world "works" was quite noticeable. This novel, on the other hand, does not have those problems, which, IN MY OPINION, makes it better. Although it is also true that it is weak in some parts, If anyone has seen the novel "This is not a Galgame", they will have seen how it at least tries to innovate in the method of plot advancement. First of all, when trying to bring video games from future times, sometimes you are filled with optimism and the game fails because it fails to adapt to the fashions of that time. Secondly, he usually takes his time in developing the different stages of video games, he is currently entering 3D games and it is clear that he knows the subject and the limitations. Third is that it gives a lot of prominence to the developers and shows how the same game can change depending on who makes it. This novel is good and on the right track, but I hope it doesn't fail in the same ways as the novel on which it is based. Don't rush from generation to generation and from console to console, in a hurry because in the end you will miss some cool games that came out. Furthermore, I would like it to also make its own games, bring together talented people and create games that never existed in our reality. Let it not simply be the character saying what they have to do and the rest of the employees obeying without giving an opinion. Create a company like Capcom in the beginning, PopCap games or Valve.
Super meat boy, pizza tower, enter the dungeon, dead cell, slay the spyre
Undertale, papers please, celeste, hotline miami, braid, bniding of isaac,
It would be cool if it introduced current indie games with a retro aesthetic. I think it could be replicated so it will work. Stardew valley, Jump King, Shovel Knight, etc...
I believe that the reason why the video game industry collapsed at that time was because Atari saw quick and effortless profits and created tremendous milestones of games. This caused customers to lose interest and eventually stop buying games.
But it is not the same, Anakin was a monster of strength and the chosen one. The MC is just a normal force user, I don't see the point in treating him well.