Reading > Sleep Sleep > everything else
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These sticks are from the regional boss no?
Thanks for explaining! Makes a lot of sense
RIP Trevor and Mr Miller and his daughter.
Isn’t his roommates in the true realm? Why is he shocked? The games been out for a while..
Addiction at its finest
Overall though? It took 2 years for GTA 5 to make a little under 2 billion.
So they just plug in the helmet, and lay down all day playing a VR game? Sounds unhealthy
This is a good time killer if thats what you are looking for. However, I would like to mention that before reading this novel, come into this expecting to have a lot of plot being totally forgotten or left out by the author because it seems he has short term memory. You should also expect repetitiveness and brain dead antagonists. The main character is overpowered but all characters are able to catch up constantly due to Shi Fengs idiotic actions. There is no logic to the story so through that misconception out the window.
Cool that’s the dude that was roaring
Space Sword!