



2019-10-22 JointCanada



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The night that changed our lives

Melody sat remembering the night she got her first kiss... with her best friend.... “Logan.....” It was New Year’s Eve and the new year was only five minutes away. They both hadn’t had their first kiss yet. The fireworks went off as they sat in silence on her upstairs porch. It was just them two. Everybody else had went in the backyard to light more fireworks. “Logan.....can I kiss you? It’s not like I have feelings for you... but I’ve never had my first kiss and it’s our sophomore year in high school. I want my first kiss before the new year begins. Is that alright with you?....” Suddenly, Logan’s lips smashed into hers and something changed that night in both of their hearts. That night, they both realized that they were in love with each other. They realized that they’ve both been in love with each other since the seventh grade. But none of them still confessed. They continued to kiss for a few minutes, before melody broke it off. “T—-t-hank you.” She whispered without opening her eyes. Blush crept onto both of their faces and they knew they couldn’t stop these feelings anymore. “L-ogan. I’ve gotta tell you something.....nevermind...ummm well...I just wanted to say... that you’re the best friend I’ve ever had!” Logan was happy, but not satisfied with her sentence. He was hoping for her to confess. But yet their unrequited love goes on. Will they confess to one another? Who knows.

Honokoasami · Urbain
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