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I agree with Daoist, main char seems a bit too OP with all those inherent knowledge. Would've been nice if she needed to learn Kivotos-based engineering from scratch, but ehh, what has been written, has been written. Nonetheless, when update?
Seems like not even he can outsmart boolet
Sounds like it. The World God did say that she has two seals inside her.
Candy shop grandma would miss you Sachi ;_;
Maybe the whole point is that he's not omnipotent nor omniscient?
Not gonna lie, I would've liked it better if he actually got concerned for Sachi, or just no explanation on why he's concerned. Like, he might not care about Sachi being bullied, but outright murder like this would've given most people the cold feet.
Better yet, use the capped cylinder shape, a.k.a Pipe Bombs
Getting into the grind strengthens one's soul
Ah, so she does separate them atomically