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Sad to see it gone from RR, but if you continue it here i will gladly pick it up.
Why the focus on katana? There are many weapons that are better than a katana. Literally every mc ever sues a katana.
I gotta ask, is there going to be romance?
Sigh...dissapointing development IMO.
I have a grand total of 1 book i read on this app, and recently ive lost interest in it anyway. Ive got nothing to spend my fast passes on atm, so i can just spend them on this. Now, if I was reading more books on here id be annoyed, but hey, I have a reason not to just delete the app anymore i guess.
Thought at first it was dropped when it gir removed from scribble hub, glad i finally have something to spend powerstones on In this app, and potentially fast passes as well.
Still never understood how people can think regular clothes or cloth is in any way better for combat than actually armour.
Also, its sad because Im now running out of web novels. I inly read two on this app, and 1 seems to have been dropped. Im very picky and have quite a few random personal preferences that ruin many books, and I cant seem to find any that tick off my boxes. This one was about perfect, and I doubt ill find anything quite as good. Ive been in a slump irl and i think its affecting how i read and react to books. Maybe I should just start writing my own novel, might be the only way to ensure nothing happens I dont like.
More specifically for the family, I also believe this decision enforces one of the problems that this book actually has - lack of side character power and character development. The family and everyone else besides neith is wuite literally useless, and the worlds joining is just around the corner. To me it feels like your simply nerfing your mc to cover up and issue you could have found a more creative way to solve starting over 100 chapters ago. It also feels like your sacrificing your mc for people we dont care about. Sure, adam cares, but I dont rven remember his brothers name, we just learnes the girlfriends name two chapters ago basIcally, and the ehole family are basically card board cutouts with “family” written on them stuck in a storage closet thats never opened that the mc sacrifices half of his souls to defend the cardboard. Perhaps if the cardboard was people we cared about i wouldnt mind so much, but then again if they wrre important in anyway they most likely could defens themselves. Sorry if that sounded a bit harsh but its just my two cents.
Like I said, its a personal thing. I just cant stand soul splitting. For example, so much work was put into hik using fire and water skills together, but no only one person can use each skill. Of course, when they are together they can combo, but what is the point of two bodies if they are always together. Also, the weak family is just the readon I hate soul spliting. IMO its an easy out. Its like where the mc has a strong pet they just leave with the family. To me it feels like a cop out and a lazy way to fic a relevant and important problem. Overall, my decision to keave isnt reflective of the quality of your story. its still probably the most objectively good story on here, its just I have several “pet peeves” i guess and soul splitting, however rare and random it may be, comes in third behind unpunished rape and the the male lead overshadowing the mc who is female. If I knew it was temporary, like in the arcane emperor, Id simply wait and then start reading where the souls rejoin. However, I doubt your soul splitting is as pointless as the splitting in that book was. Also, the “bigger reason” is not something I wanna stick around to hear, because frankly it will probably just piss me off more, and i sont wanna waste hours of my time no longer enjoying a story. If I said im not a little mad id be lying. I really enjoyed the story, and I hate that im dropping such a good book over something like this, but Im not going to read something that is just going to make me angry, thats not why I read books. Have a good time writing, Im sure there are plenty if people who will continue to enjoy it because it is good, its just no longer a book Ill enjoy.