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The respect for Mait Gai is the only thing keeping this fic alive
Thank God
prolly wanted themselves a disposable army at all times
The fact that she thinks she's a match for Draig😂😂😂
nth metal aka ninth metal, used for hawkman/woman's mace, a more powerful metal than the one used in wonderwomans gauntlets-aka eighth metal. Now tenth metal is a completely new ball game. Also known as element X, which says much by itself is, i think, the strongest metal in dc. Much more than simple nth or even dark nth metal. Sorry for geeking out but check it urself. PS if ur a batman fan then ull freak out
So basicaly a saiyan
Thank God u didnt over power her. God knows how many people do so by being simps, 'oh its a hot chick! Now she's gotta be super strong even if she aint supposed to be loggicaly but fuck logic imma Godsdamned simp' Respect Author-san
Like another comment said, could u specify where each being ranks in their respective positions, like Big g- 2a and Shiva- 2b (assuming these r their actual powerlvls). Also the 4 horsemen r biblical right? god's agents and whatnot? i dunno im not christian but if so then r they supposed to be stronger then the 2 arch angels( mike and luci), gods greatest?
WTF? Serafall, a SATAN was stated to hv the power to destroy Japan several times over if she so much as glittered. Ur power lvls r f'ed up