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No it was night when she did it lol.
Veldanava isn't dead. He chooses not to come back for some selfish reason. True dragons can not die permanently. Rimuru isn't the reincarnation of Veldanava because True dragon soul can be broken down like rudra to allow Reincarnation. The reason why multiple people compare Rimuru with Veldanava is because their soul is not of a true dragon. Rimuru from the start was always a true dragon in The creator god Veldanava created the true dragons as the pillar of existence for the world, from one to die existence as the world will collapse because the support it . Veldanava> Nuclear Force "Creation" Velzard>Deceleration " Loss of momentum* Velgyrnd> Acceleration " Gain of momentum* Veldora> Entropy " Chaos" Rimuru> Postive/Negative Forces " Nihility". The Eath dragon (Doesn't exist yet). " Stability, " Order". Each true dragon is paried, Veldanava/Rimuru Velzard/Velgyrnd Veldora/ ? Each paried are the opposite of their respective concepts. Twilight Valentine could create life by using the skills that Veldanava gave him despite being a spiritual life form. The usage of skills can by pass that.
Nah, Luminous can have children because of her Ultimate skill if she wanted to, just like Frey can. Although veldanava lost his power, he can always come back with his full power because he is a true dragon. Losing their power doesn't affect their strength.
It is CFYOW Novel
it's good
Garp can't mid diff akainu Lmao, what manga are you even reading, but one piece fans have reading comprehension negation
Your wrong.
No garp would not, garp isn't in is prime anymore,he can't put down akainu because he doesn't have the endurance/Stamina and Ap to do so anymore. Akainu isn't like kuzan who holds back. he is going 100 on him. Akainu tank a sneak attack from an enraged whitebeard and also tank an island destroying attack again from whitebeard after he melts half of his face and proceeds to fight the WB priiates and 14 commanders by him self and was winning. Oda states that if akainu was the Mc, the one piece would end in a year, has one of the srongest offensive devil fruit, one hit is all it takes to cripple you. Kuzan is on prime garp in terms of strength, no haki based on the battle ship scalling, his df+Armament haki match old garp Advanced Conqueror's Punch, and akainu can eat those attack for 10 days. Conclusion your agenda is based on feeling and not logic, and if you disagree, argue with oda.