im a bidoof
de la lecture
Lire des livres
or more like fanfic compiler i guess, not author? just a habit of mine
yo author, ive tried reading this before but i couldn't get into it. does it get really interesting a bunch of chapters in or something?
bro this is nothing like the description
this is the first fanfic that youve posted that ive already read. i think that says something good about your recs
as many as you're willing. I don't read every rec you make so getting more just ads to my list that keeps shrinking.
wait, its already out? i thought it was still a few months out?
no you are an mtl
bro how!?! its been 19 days!
again and again you show you dont get it. just shut up you idiot. you went over like 20 of my comments just to call me a snowflake. why the heck do you even care.