avid reader. as in, when I'm awake, I'm reading.
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totally, didn't the tower spirit say it was the absolute best?
pretty sure you mean polished. made to shine better. not furnished, as in to supply food shelter or rent a dwelling with furnishings.
no updates? *cries*
what miracle will save him this time?
dispersed. As in smoke dispursing in the air. not despaired, which means getting lost in feelings of hopelessness and misery.
I've seen a lot authors do this, but it's SORE for aching body parts, and sour for a sour taste like vinegar.
Learning to live as a Cultivator. Boylove story, but it's kinda what you're talking about.
the lasr two chapters were posted outvof order. please fox.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm about 100% sure, this is Quickly Go Wear The Face Of the Devil. Which was already translated. If you want to compare, look on novelupdates . com
awesome fights.