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2019-05-06 JointGlobal



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The Twilight's Star

There's not once peace that can be done. Not even in the Land of Dawn. Friends or foes, no matter which side has won in the end, there's always blood spilling into the soil. Fighting for the Twilight is said to uphold not only for power, but to be the conqueror in the Land of Dawn. Thus many sought of the one who holds its power. The child of both sides, the Light and the Abyss, being the Goddess of Twilight may had the power of law and order. But it's not enough to be called a conqueror. In the eyes of their foes, one side must overcome the other. And she belongs to only one side. A queen for the Light but not for the Abyss. Therefore, war rages and is still left undone. But to all, not even the Twilight Goddess herself, weren't aware of the unspoken prophecy. Prophesized by the one who brought the Twilight Orb in the Land of Dawn says of a man that can walk between the depths of the earth, even beyond the heavens, is the one who would hold the fate of the Land. And the one, who will rule with the goddess, is said to be called 'The Conqueror in the Sea of Stars.' "You, who lost your way of resolution, let yourself be a broken Jade. To find your other half, have faith in me, the compass. For in this endless sea of stars, one star is enough to be your sword, your bullet, and your guidance towards the home that you've sought. For I, your Conqueror, will forever not leave you alone." The Twilight's Star has come to light the stars within the dawn's darkest times.

Nadalan_Sworn · Urbain
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