


We Are Legion

2019-04-27 JointUnited States

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  • Poet_Legion

    seems like a negative character development honestly and not in a good way. too much is left unsaid or untold in this story so it really feels like instead of a demon second only to the strongest of thier realm who was cold and calm we have a whiney brat who can't go two seconds without throwing a hissy fit

    Ch 43 Akuna's breakdown
    I Farm Demons : Unholy Necromancer In the Apocalypse
    Fantaisie · Yonaas
  • Poet_Legion


    As Xylon approached Akuna, there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere, the tension between them rising to a breaking point. Without any warning or hesitation, he took her by surprise and pressed his lips to hers in a fierce, unyielding kiss.
    I Farm Demons : Unholy Necromancer In the Apocalypse
    Fantaisie · Yonaas
  • Poet_Legion

    nah if i had to pick 1 race food for the rest of my life it'd have to be Mexican

    Lu Ze smiled brightly. "Yes! China City has the best food in the Human Race!"
    Pocket Hunting Dimension{for offline}
    Fantaisie · AzureKingdom
  • Poet_Legion

    I can't even get past the first ten chapters because the story goes nowhere. It's not even background context for the characters. It wouldn't be that bad if the author didn't insist on writing an entire.Chapter about some stupid psych out war between the main character and his captor. I don't need 10 chapters that are very long. Chapters as well about back-and-forth between 2 characters with nothing involving the plot. Moving forward at all like literally. We are nowhere different than when the story first started. Besides, the fact that the main character can now use magic, which is shown to be absolutely useless in his current situation. And then when he does, he is magic in a way too kind of. Attempt to escape from the situation. You already know it's gonna go bad because the cleaners who are there to get rid of people who can use magic for some reason, the main character doesn't think that maybe they can sense people who can use magic or maybe they have a device to let them know who uses magic none of those logical. Thoughts go through our main character's head. Who the author is trying very hard to make us think is a smart person or at least good at deduction? And it completely takes away from the novel at the beginning. Like I don't know if the author wants to go for a serious novel. Since 10 chapters have been spent on what could easily be written in 2 or 3 paragraphs and still lose nothing of substance or if he wants to make a comedy because the system has no seriousness to it. And honestly pulls you out of the novel. I like the fact that the author tried to do something new with the trope. But. Making it so that the system was a literal pop-up ad essentially that would not help the main character and just pop-up s***** comments or literal.ADS from his old world is a very comical thing.And it doesn't add any committee relief to the situation.Because once again we're only ten chapters in and the story is going nowhere. I've looked at other reviews and from what a lot of people say. The story only really starts at around 50 chapters. But the problem with that on this novel is, it seems like it's one of those where you don't want to skip any chapters because of how long they are? So if I skip to chapter 50, I'm probably gonna be confused for around a 100 chapters but I can not stop my greeting. Another chapter of the main character trying to outwit their current captor it. The author doesn't know how to write that. Instead of it being a bunch of mind games it's a bunch of oh I let a bunch of loops in my story that I told this lady that she is totally gon to catch on to and not already be suspicious of me like the whole vibe at the beginning of the story just really throws me off and I can't get into it. I just have to reiterate again. There's a difference between writing a psycho competition and writing a useless baggage 10. Chapter peace that gets our character. Nowhere like literally he's no better off. He's no worse off. It didn't succeed it didn't fail because, at the end of the day. We already know that his captor didn't trust him from the start. There was 0 trust there. She was already suspicious of him. And from the little bit of background context we get on her. We already know that she's been suspicious of everybody and is willing to. Sacrifice her closest confidence for little to no reason so her having that kind of character makes it very hard to believe that she would be psyched out by the ramblings of a tied up noble that are desperately trying to save their height.It literally makes zero sense

    When A Mage Revolts
    Fantaisie · Yin Si
  • Poet_Legion

    The real problem with this novel is the over.Focus on side characters. I don't mean that the author speaks about side characters. A couple chapters every few chapters. Know that's normal. What I mean is a fight between 2 side characters. That have no correlation to the main character or the story in any way other than the fact that they're mages have A. 7 or 10 chapter fight scene.That is very repetitive and very born. Even. When the main character gets in a fight, it drags on for way too long. Every single conflict that the character gets into does not need to be described for 5 or 6 paragraphs solely when it comes down to the fighting aspect period It's like I'm reading a book where someone needs to describe. Every tree and and it gets so boring and repetitive that the really cool aspect of the novel gets ruined. There's not many out there where a person who can't use Mana and's up becoming a Mage matter.Of fact i've never heard a book really like this one but the author's over description of every single fighting really makes it boring and repetitive. That doesn't mean I want to 3 paragraph fights.I mean, every single fight that the main character gets in.Shouldn't go for at minimum 2 chapters.If not more depending on how quote on quote story critical it is. Like this, novel has a really cool concept and honestly everything. Besides the overdescription of main characters, fight scenes and side fights. It's a good novel so much though. That I didn't want to stop reading UN till. About a 160 chapters in where the fight seems somehow managed to get more boring and even longer because at least in the beginning. The main character only had a couple skills so it wasn't 8. Chapters of the author throwing out a skill name, followed by the description of what the skill did to the enemy. I've seen it and in some novels that is also the case. However, it doesn't happen. for 8 chapters straight

    Manaless Mage
    Fantaisie · Gladstone_
  • Poet_Legion
    Répondu à Karl_4278

    I agree, I feel like the author is focusing way too much on the side plots. if he updated the story with like 14 plus chapters I'd be fine but like no matter what 20 chapters on this stupid competi9n when it should have be 5 max

    Ch 155 The winner
    Manaless Mage
    Fantaisie · Gladstone_
  • Poet_Legion

    It's the fact that Kyle is asleep and everything has been majorly.Info dumped with no emotional ties or real.Build up to it that I cannot get Uber.How horrible i'm feeling reading this novel. I don't mean that in a oh I feel bad for the world type thing.I mean I literally do not want to continue reading the novel because I am repulsed by what the authors done. Everything else has not been happy.Go lucky.But we've had a lot of explanation behind everything and having the world just completely go to s*** with nothing good in it.Within 5 chapters is not a fun read.Honestly and it has drawn me so out of the story that it's hard for me to actually continue reading

    Ce paragraphe a été supprimé.
    Celestial Bloodline
    Fantaisie · _Orange_
  • Poet_Legion

    stupid way to do this honestly. I feel like the planet immediately.Losing its veil as soon as the man leaves is beyond stupid. We know he's been weakening the planet's core.But I feel like it's way too forced to make it that as soon as Kyle.'s soul was ripped out and the dude leaves.The planet immediately loses its veil and becomes seen. The reason I say this is because it make such A. On natural field to watching everything that kyles can have to go through

    Ch 364 His soul
    Celestial Bloodline
    Fantaisie · _Orange_
  • Poet_Legion

    I feel like you focus way too much on side characters and sub blots. Usually that's not a bad thing.However, with this story I genuinely feel we only have maybe 20% of the total.Chapters used towards either the main story or a main character. There have been plenty of times where you've given 52 ten chapters of side story on a side character that either gets killed or is forgotten about not even twenty chapters later. Now, if this was a published book, I would 100% not caperiod. However since this is a web novel that is coming out with daily releases it makes it so frustrating to read. If I had a physical copy of the entire book and I was reading through these chapters. I wouldn't really care that. Some of the characters get a very long-winded introduction or an entire couple pages dedicated to them. However, since this is a daily release novel with a very small. Chapter size it's very unrewarding to read when I go multiple days in a row without hearing any word of the main character. I am in the story for the world.no the world He's in or the world you're creating. I just feel like you've taken too much of a novel approach to writing the story that it makes it hard to get into with the web novel. Cause I don't think the story's bad in any manner.I just believe that having such a limited quantity.At a time to read makes it very aggravated. There's a reason. A lot of webnovels focus around the main character and at most.There's maybe 1 or 2 chapters every so often.Dedicated to side characters. It's because the readers don't have an entire story to read.They have two chapters a data read and that creates a completely different mindset than having an entire story already written in front of you. It's a lot easier for you to get. The feeling of the world being built up and all the side plots happening when you know that there's a lot more story ahead of you. However, when I know that for the next 2 or 3 days. I'm only gonna get s***I don't want to read instead of getting towards the main character and his exploits. Because it gets really hard to justify wanting to spend any money on a novel.If realistically i'm going to be disappointed with seventy five percent of the Novel. Now, if this was a completely finished book I would not have. The the same critique. And it's like a buddy said because I would know that there's still plenty more story ahead of me that I could read at my own convenience instead of waiting for an entire day to get my next fill of the novel.

    Ch 400 City Of Adventures [Pt 1]
    An Extra’s POV
    Fantaisie · Magecrafter
  • Poet_Legion
    Répondu à SightseeingReef

    I feel like you build up background characters way too much. I read a lot of stories where they don't build up enough of the background characters.Or even sub plots but you definitely do it way too much. Out of the 400 chapters you've released.I would say probably only one hundred of thave any connotation of our main character or even the main plot. There are so many times where you give us 10 to 15.Chapters worth a back story on a side character that immediately gets killed or is forgotten about not even twenty chapters later. It just makes it a bit unrewarding to read. Like I love the way that the story is progressing but every time I finish a chapter.I always have the same thought that I didn't really get anything new towards the story from this chapter. I could probably skip seventy five percent of the chapters and not be lost when it comes to the story. I feel like there. 's a difference between writing a story and writing a world and unfortunately what you've done is make a world.

    City Of Adventures [Pt 1]
    An Extra’s POV
    Fantaisie · Magecrafter
  • Poet_Legion

    TLDR I love the Novel and everything.The author does great is fantastic.However, its flaws are really glaring.And hold the book back. This is definitely a good novel to read.But it's not something you want to read if you like action. The author does have quite a lot of fight scenes.However he's not very adapt at it. There's nothing wrong in the way he writes about it.But more or less the interactions between the characters while they're in the middle of a fight is definitely very reminiscent of middle schoolers yelling at each other on a playground. It doesn't take away from the story bit can definitely get annoying when in the middle of a very serious fight.We have to hear the monolog about our main character.When all of a sudden he's thinking about his girlfriend and it just gets weird for whatever reason. But by far the worst part of the novel is just the amount of side shit put in the novel. I understand there's a need for back story.But not every side character that turns out to be wildly.Inconsequential to the main story needs 2 Or 3 chapters to explain who they are. I don't want this to sound rude but for a lack of a better way of putting it.I honest-to-God.Skip about three quarters of this novel and I haven't missed a single detail. The main character is ray.It doesn't matter how much the author wants to make.It seem like it's an extra story or anything like that every.One who's reading knows the truth. However, the author doesn't know that and instead of writing the story about the extra who happens to be the main character.It's more or less about everyone else's story and sometimes Ray is there. Is that completely unfair to the author what I just said?Yes but I don't care. It's still a good story.Don't get me wrong.I'm going to continue reading it, but I am just getting really annoyed.At how much of the story i'm skipping because I don't care if it doesn't involve ray some matter. Even if I know, it's adding some back story to a villain.Or highlighting a undertone in the story for something that's gonna become important later.It just doesn't matter to me. The story is written in a way where it wants all of your attention to be with the main cherctor and unfortunately in this novel that is a bad thing. Mainly because the author loves writing about other characters and I get it. He's flushing out other characters in the story and he's making them feel like people. There's no harm in that. However, there is a difference between having our main character and the flushed outside. Characters on occasion and me going about 1520 chapters without. Anything involving our main character?It can get really annoying. Honestly this is turned to marndo a rant that I review because of already said multiple times that I like the story however I feel like I need to get my grievances out there. This novel has so much potential to capture me in a manner.That almost no other does because, even though I'm skipping so much of the story I'm still enjoying reading every moment of it.And that just shows how Is pulled in I am. I just feel like if the author switched up the way he. The introduction of side characters.The story would go up by a completely other tear. Because currently it's kind of a c to btier book And it has so much potential to become one of the most memorable I've everred

    An Extra’s POV
    Fantaisie · Magecrafter
  • Poet_Legion

    I left the book for a month to build chapters and know I need to do so again. I love this novel

    Ch 789 Canteen
    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantaisie · HideousGrain
  • Poet_Legion

    love the chapters as always

    Ch 864 864 Show And Tell
    Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King
    Fantaisie · Aoki_Aku
  • Poet_Legion

    I know he means .1 but it'd be nice if it just have him awhole point

    ‘Special food resource detected. Type: Meat, snake, named as red single-eyed snake. If you eat 109 of its eyes, your agility will increase by 1.’ Zero reported. This was the reason why Ye Song went out. One agility increase was huge to him. Ye Song would choose this over strength for now. He also wanted to check out his training results after these days, and he wanted to know how much he could do.
    The Wizard World
    Fantaisie · Get Lost
  • Poet_Legion

    gonna have to wait a few months because daily updates is just torture

    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Fantaisie · Aoki_Aku
  • Poet_Legion

    The first 2020 chapters are a bit rough. But not in a sense words, bad grammar or anything. Just a different style of writing that you're not really used to period instead of taking the route that most authors do where they need to explain everything that's happening. The author jumps a little bit period Instead of writing how they walked from point a to point b, the author will simply state that they are going to go do something and thenre are periods.It's hard to explain, but after a couple chapters.You get used to it and that odd feeling disappears. Overall though I would say this is an amazing book, I came here from the inheritance of the magic king simply because I like geriding style.And I wasn't disappointed with this novel in any way. Some pieces are a bit does take a little bit of a tonal shift In the latter half of the story. Spoilers ahead, once Cain becomes an ancient, the story goes from more of a dungeon, crawling power fantasy.To what if someone who used to be a human got the ability to create people essentially.And power them up. It goes from the dungeon, crawling mood and tomorrow.They a slice of life with a bit of action. That doesn't take away from the story at all.Because it's more or less.Just us being caught up on what some of the other characters are doing.While kane goes through a turbulent period in his life with misha being kidnapped. Friend, you know, hasn't read this book before?If you end up liking the progression of the novel after ten chapters I would say you absolutely have to finish the entire book because it is amazing

    Reincarnated With A Summoning System
    Fantaisie · Aoki_Aku
  • Poet_Legion

    reading daily is a pain. I will nake myself forget this story for a few months so I can have enough chapters to be satisfied

    Ch 830 830 Creation Event
    Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King
    Fantaisie · Aoki_Aku
  • Poet_Legion

    harem are usually boring even in my favorite books. all it does is give the author an excuse to make every woman fall for the mc for stupid reasons

    "I want to quit as you secretary." Nezard who heard what Hilda said looked at her stunned. Ren on the other hand had a sly smile on his face, while as usual Lara simply stared with no visible changes in her emotional state. Yet deep inside she was screaming in frustration, since she knows where this is heading.
    Demon Lord's Reincarnation
    Fantaisie · lynerparel
  • Poet_Legion

    Time to leave the novel for a few months. Reading chapter after chapter 1 / 1. As it's released so infuriatingly slow there's not enough for me. Keep up the amazing work author

    Ch 656 Raw Power II
    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantaisie · HideousGrain
  • Poet_Legion

    One thing I dislike about most modern stories is they always go with the revenge leaves. Nothing fulfilled trait. that's utter b*******Because if you inflict as much misery on to those who caused misery on to you , you will feel better even if it didn't bring back your friends period

    Taking revenge for Liopham and Pheli was good. It was great that the Teleporters were dead and that they wouldn't harm anyone ever again. However, killing them didn't bring Liopham and Pheli back. They were dead. Even revenge didn't change that fact.
    Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!
    Fantaisie · HideousGrain