Reader of cliche books
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Yeah I really hope they don’t kill off the captain. Feels like he’s the type for a noble sacrifice
And the fun begins
I do like how there are those that recognize his art work, and that through art work one could leave their name as a form of being “immortalized”. Although his identity is definitely going to be figure out by his former tag along and then maybe have his cultivation forced to be shown. I just hope there’s no more betrayal, I have had enough of those close to him being disappointing
I didn’t even think about it from his wife’s side because it’s so stupid from his son’s. She risked execution from her family for him, fought by his side for probably more than 20 years (14 years for sure), sacrificed her freedom to end war in north, faced imprisonment for 1000 years, and chose to save him over her own child. Oops time to sever ties because some voice in the sky says I can be an even worse dad of a grown ass son whose accomplished more in 16 years of life than anyone has since the empire’s founding.
And does he really believe he’ll be able to surpass his son in 100 years to his son’s 1000 of cultivation? Laughable
Some guys says like 3 sentences to him and now he’s been easily manipulated…. His Dao is of the Tyrant not laws. Because he chose to ignore the ones that were against his wishes like marrying a Ji and having a child with a Ji. He stuck his own son against the clan laws. He punished before investigation. He wouldn’t even return his son’s belongings to him. And now he’s going to abandon his position after the empire nearly crumbled. And he’s never admitted to being wrong, only questioned if he was. Genuinely Li clan is worse than it was under his father with the clan being split into different factions by other clan’s marrying in and no belonging among the younger generation. Even his own ancestors stripped him of his position as true dragon because he did such a poor job. He’s only ever wanted an obedient child soldier with no mind of his own. Didn’t write to him once in 14 years at war because once he found out he was invalid he didn’t care anymore.
I’m starting to remember why I had dropped this novel for a while…word count farming of repeated content for extra coins
I appreciate the mass release but sad the the regular updates won’t happen to make up for it. Happy new year!
I don’t like that the mass release event just means we don’t get the daily 3 chapters for multiple days.
I’m back after a lengthy break, ready to binge these next 400 chapters.