I am fair in complexion, average height, love reading, cooking. I love truth, tell me the truth no matter how painful it is....
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I hope that this Aghanistan mission is not a plot to lure Xinghe out of the country so that they can do what they planned to do in the country in her absence.
I just hope they find out the flaw and the culprit too
thanks for the update and for choosing to complete the translation
yeah, it broke my heart too
I shed years reading the last 3 chapters you posted! Oh my Xinguan! I hope you both will pull through this
Wow! finally there's an update! I hope it continues ☺️☺️
yeah, me too. she's always making a difference
it really is heartwarming
wow! I love this chapter! her sweet, sweet Yuan! Xinyuan fascinates me! see how they sweetly settled their misunderstanding!
I love this pair sooooóoooooooo much!