A student who likes to read and write. A stalker who likes to follow. A student who argue with his teacher. A member of society who goes opposite in ethics. A brain that had imagination rather than re
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I'm just researching the three kingdoms for this book, and chinese words, so you might see few letters there, no worries there is explanation below.
Hey, First review goes to me, what? I am reviewing my own works? I am the author!. I rate it 4.6 as a starter. I may be a narcissist, but restraint....
I am gonna rate this novel 5 star, because it was good, and I am its author :) For those finding this novel, have fun and have a great day, you probably thinking why I made this sentences, because this thing needed 140 characters.
hehe sorry bout that, but we will be back at mid july, lots of ton stuff is happening, don't worry the drafts and the outline are already placed since a while ago when we started writing it, just few interactions gonna leave you hanging.
Man....I will gain my foothold!
That was for the Other 'Protagonist' since it had element, pretty sure the Protagonist all I can say is surely don't have a harem, I written the drafts, but still, the story is not yet ready to publish cuz of another working novel, a bit more formal, and gotta be sold online : ), so LH and this can be free.
Ayooo! Your Author was here again, anyways, for those who have been asking for updates, we certainly had no clue for a while, since we also have personal matters, but we will soon establish some of it, for the mean time, we need support! You can review this, or add more comments. Recommend it on friend, or even add art design. Also feel free to sponsor, we will take it like a monthly fee hehe. Pretty much Livestream Hero will go for a long time, since I panned it out to reach Arc 20+ and will go beyond 1000+ chapters in the future, we are still on Arc 2, and most of Arc till 6 was completed in story drafts, The start till end of Livestream Hero was already planned out by me, and BaNaeNae whom taking charge of Revision. I hope your understanding and support till the last chapter! "End Of Livestream!"
Ah, yes Grimmy kinks on those 'yan'....nvm. -The guy had the complete storyline of Arc 2 and Arc 5 on him, and we are still on Arc 2, the estimated climax and near finale of this series will be probably up into above Arc 20, which might reach a thousand chapter...yeah, we are trying to post more chappy to post more! God speed my Co-Author and Editor BaNaeNae, he revised more deeply.
Oh finally another review, your review really help us motivated! Sorry for the slow update, we will keep it released as possible but there are some delays due to personal reasons, Ah yeah, we are not trying to rush the story to keep constant update, since it was already planned out until the series reach the final story, practically the beginning and the end was planned and placed when we publish the first chapter.