Hunters moon
An expedition into the unknown was truly that, what did he expect to find, stories of ghosts in the final frontier, expeditions doomed to fail, and then of course the Alaskan triangle... Unexplainable events still unexplained to this day regardless of how technology reveals the unknown.
Has he gone mad? Or was this normal for anyone who gets lost here. Is it the cold? Hypothermia? Or was it rally him who lost all reasonable thought..
People go missing here more than they do in the Bermuda triangle, it was a fact brought up to him by someone who knew the area well, but he merely shrugged it off.
Was he lost? Did the triangle take him?
Sweat dripped down his forehead, Bertus was way too old for this but adrenaline had him on his feet by a margin, he didn't know it was going to be this kind of expedition.
'Why are you running?' The ghost like voice echoed through the forest again, he stopped and leaned against a tree, looking back he saw nothing, just trees, rocks and snow.
'Just say, and I'll end it'
"Please stop!" He cried standing up and backing to a tree "I can't take it anymore!"
'Are you willing to submit yourself to me?'
"What ever it takes!"
Bertus saw a set of green glowing eyes appear in the dark ahead of him, then another, then another. Soon he found himself surrounded by eyes, standing so that they don't come in line with the illuminated snow.
Bertus felt his breathing pick up, a fog started rolling in from all directions, until the wolf eyes disappeared behind it. Somehow it gave him relief, until the eyes appeared in the mist again, this time closer, but still they made no noise, he trembled uncontrollably looking around as to see a way out but there was none.
'You can calm down now Bertus' the voice came from the front, he saw between the green dots a set of violet purple eyes appear, and come up to him, as they approached, the white mist inverted, turning black, the trees turned white, he could see the wolves now but they looked like corpses, half bone, flesh rotten and intestines missing. Some were only an embodied ball of sagging, rotting flesh, the bones not present.
Fear gripped Bertus but then a hand took his cheek and brought his face forward to meet the purple eyes again, it was a woman, she looked native American but her eyes seemed lifeless, hollow, violet smoke emitted from her irises, making it hard to see how her eyes really looked.
Bertus backed but only his head could move and it hit the tree. He looked down and saw she was in fact naked, but black smoke covered her in such a way that one could only barely make out her nudity.
'Sssh–' she said, he saw fangs in her mouth, black ears on her head tucked into her thick black hair.
'I will take the nightmare away now' She leaned in and kissed him.
Bertus felt her cold lips, then in through his mouth came warmth, almost like drinking soup, it went down into his stomach and finally it made his whole body twitch involuntarily.
Pain took him over, he screamed and fell to the ground it felt like his body was being torn from the inside out, then as the hunger and bloodlust set in, his vision blacked out.
'You will never be human again, you will never die as well, but you will always seek blood, want flesh, and always want more'
SaberTrueno86 · Fantastique