I'm a space, semi-cosmic semi-omnipotent angel... And I'm on an exceptionally slash ridiculously slash insanely strict diet. As in non-trash good written stories only. I am a French Space Half-"g"od.
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I don't know if you know about this or if it is an official translation of your work but better safe than sorry, fanqienovel (dot) com/page/7455472171637296152
How is Voldemort still alive?
spacebattle, there is already 80 chaps i think
they are as "normal" as Bruce Wayne lol
Can someone clarify for me if Tang Hao is dead? Because I think I'm misremembering things.
She was shit in the first part. And it stained her image throughout the series.
I didn't know who h'el was supposed to be, so googled it and found something slightly less ridiculous than Sentry. With that much firepower you could blitz the MCU 616 so I was a little relieved to see Magneto mentioned.
Trust your INSTINCT Artoria, you have it at B rank!!