Casual Venti enjoyer Also known as “NoHaremSectElder”
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I think back in the day in china people believed that newborns ware not yet completely human and but halfway into the spirit realm instead, and only when they gained awareness did they become completely human (or may have been ancient Japan I don’t remember clearly)
junior you are short sighted, why shouldn't he make friends instead of enemies with the 100,000 yo beast who has multiple 100,000 year old beast as brothers that more or less rule over a part of the forest he will have to enter eventually.
it is just you, that sh is Stockholm syndrome
You did NOT let that slide huh *live image of executioner*
basically people forget stuff
Ahm otherwise search “the eulogy of an electrocuted rat”
I'm not sure if this is really chapter 3 can the author confirm thins is indeed chapter 3 ? I have to read the number 3 about 4 times just to be sure.
Wtf is going on with the constant font changes amd non existent spacing
Let’s assume that’s what she was told he applied, and being assigned there by force was hidden, for our own sanity.