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so she's been a nudist for almost 20 years and she does this when someone strips around her? I'm just kind of confused, what's the point of going out of your way to say she's not human but still keep her human in everyway that matters? she grew up in a unique community and culture yet she's retained absolutely none of it aside from what's dangling between he legs. They straight up have their own religion that she was one of the most prominent members of yet she doesn't really do anything with that either. this isn't the ven chronicles, this is some random human girl that pretends she's not one story.
Hmm, isn't creating platforms a quincy thing? The air walking the shinigami use is more like koku shundo from UQ holder
I'd be really surprised if there was absolutely no evidence in his home or no other witnesses to his creepiness. there's no way he wouldn't keep blackmail material just in case.
mostly talking about the use of the term murder. there's a reason news teams rarely ever use it, as it implies a killing done with malicious intent. without knowing the full story, any proper news team would have gone for something like "well known teacher dead. Student primary suspect" or something to that effect. to outright call it a murder is jumping the gun for them and will get them sued if the case hasn't gone to court yet. Not trying to be a pain lol, this is just one of the few topics I know more than the bare minimum about. Journalism was a pretty fun course.
just check when the accounts were made and the fact that they all only comment or review the exact same stories made by the exact same author and only that author.
another case of it really not being as bad as it looks. Not only can she sue the news company and the girl for defamation, they still have to make a retraction and public apology before the case even hits the court. Also since it was set up that Shinso's quirk is able to counteract Shido's, he can literally just tell them to remember what Shido told them to forget since Shido's quirk can't straight up erase memories they are just repressed and forgotten, not gone. heck if Shido's actually dead the effects of his quirk should probably be nullified and everyone affected by it should get them back. I imagine the only reason they haven't is because he's technically still alive while turned to stone.
not desperate enough if she's spent all this time not even aware of her options...
I just hope that once this is over you don't have them try and pin the blame on her. It's very easy to confirm what actually happened thanks to the bandages and residue still on her face. plus mitsuki knows exactly what kind of kid bakugo is so she wouldn't take his side.
I'll be honest, the collabs are a bit...I don't want to say annoying but they are frustrating to deal with. I don't want to have to read an entirely different story to understand what's happening. especially one I already tried and dropped since it wasn't to my liking. feels like I'm being punished for not liking something. villain mc's just aren't my thing.
enjoying the story so far but you use way to many author notes. just let the story flow naturally