


I get bored easily.

2019-01-27 JointUnited States



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  • Phantowhite

    Surprised she didn't try to jump him right then and there when she got this lol

    [Youthful Vigor]: Drastically diminishes the effects of aging but has no effect on lifespan.
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Mvlware

    yeah ultimately it's just a lot of work that needs to go into it. if they could get it to work though it would definitely be worth it. Just don't think it would be as easy as having momo just produce them and they work.

    (A/N: Melissa just needs to make a Black Panther-style suit and call it the Aegis Mk 1...)
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à UncrownedKing

    yeah when you cross some lines it becomes too easy to cross others. If his own mother is fine, what about their mothers? or worse what about any future kids they end up having? will he eventually go after them too? Even if he says he wouldn't, can you even trust him anymore after that knowing it only took a bit of seduction to make him cross the line?

    Ch 95 Chapter 94
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à UncrownedKing

    Well we've already seen All Might in fortnite so I can't say I'm surprised lol

    Shaking with such fury that the ground beneath him started to tremble, tiny flakes of metal and dust rising around him, Toshinori turned around to find a tall, well-built man wearing a suit and a black, skull-like mask with various pipes and tubes running from it, standing in the air with his hands behind his back.
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Feliprins1

    idk man, without like an AI to help, the amount of programming all that would require is probably close to not being worth it anymore. if she has to manually use the controller it won't actually do her much good either I think. I could be wrong though. not an engineer or anything.

    (A/N: Melissa just needs to make a Black Panther-style suit and call it the Aegis Mk 1...)
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Feliprins1

    the problem with momo trying to produce something like nanobots is the fact that I believe they all need to be individually programmed somehow. She wouldn't really be able to do that or at least I don't believe she could with the way her quirk works currently. I suppose if she carried around something that automatically connected to the new bots it might work but there'd still probably be a pretty significant delay for something like that. I think. not an expert or anything.

    (A/N: Melissa just needs to make a Black Panther-style suit and call it the Aegis Mk 1...)
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite

    it's always such a shock to see how OP Izuku actually could be in fics like these. Even without digitization, Izuku definitely could achieve similar feats if he fought smarter.

    (A/N: Melissa just needs to make a Black Panther-style suit and call it the Aegis Mk 1...)
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à UncrownedKing

    that is the sad reality of a LOT of webnovel readers. a lot of them essentially like to live vicariously through the MC's of these stories. They hate certain things because it draws out their insecurities. They fear if the MC doesn't have literal god given gifts to lean on, no one will actually like them. Which to be fair, is kind of true in a lot of cases. They can't handle that people would like someone that "isn't special" because otherwise why don't people like them too. they hate the girls doing anything with each other in a harem because they fear they'll "realize" they can be happier with each other than a greedy man that has to split his attention too far and only really wants them for their bodies. of course not everyone is like that and it's a bit more complex than that, but a lot of dislike for elements like these boil down to insecurities and the desire to feel special. Ironically enough, I think a person who can still standout when everyone is exactly the same or at least has the same benefits, is the truly special or unique individual.

    All but confirming Izuku's suspicion that he was dealing with a 'Gate Break' scenario, David added, "Fortunately, we quickly discovered that eliminating all the creatures within a breach would cause it to collapse a few hours later, expelling anyone who remained inside. This curious thing is what happened to the people who entered the breaches and fought the creatures directly. Once they emerged, each of them could see something called a 'Status Window,' indicating their Level and personal attributes like the Heads-Up Display of a Virtual Reality game."
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Einlion

    they ended up becoming rivals of sorts in the manga I believe. Mei was more concerned with inventing and innovating without caring about what the client wanted, while Melissa was more concerned with giving heroes exactly what they wanted without really trying to make something better than they currently could. typical both sides had merit but need to learn from the other cliche.

    Ch 84 Chapter 83
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Imjustsadnow

    I mean, it's called having a character. sure he may fine her attractive but that doesn't mean he'll sleep with her even if she wants it. I mean it's like trying to sleep with your best friend's sister. Sure you may want to but it's just something most people won't do. bro code and all that. Kind of like the Toga situation. She may want him but he doesn't have to want her back even if he thinks she's hot. some people just have lines they won't cross. that's not a bad thing. it'd only be a bad thing if he established these lines and then broke them for no apparent reason. but as he's been consistent since the first time Inko came on to him, it's mostly your own fault for expecting something different.

    Ch 83 Chapter 82
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite

    Less lemons is good for now, though I hope they don't completely disappear in the future. As for the story, I've already said I think it's great and really appreciate the compromises and willingness to accept feedback. If there's anything I wanted it'd probably be more time with All Might. Much like the original story, I'm sure there's a lot he could be teaching Izuku. Not just with One for All but just being a pro hero in general. Keep up the good work!

    Ch 83 Chapter 82
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Imjustsadnow

    so...it's bad because Inko isn't going to suffer alone for the rest of her life?

    Ch 83 Chapter 82
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite

    ya know, it occurs to me that Momo could probably do the exact same thing. I imagine her skin couldn't handle stronger acids but she could definitely produce them in a pinch.

    Meeting Mina's gaze, Izuku firmly asserted, "Don't think I don't know why you wanted to delay things until now, Mina...either you've already had sex before, or you ended up tearing your hymen while masturbating. Either way, it doesn't change the way I feel about you. Rather, with your Quirk allowing you to produce lube from virtually 'anywhere,' I've been looking forward to having sex with you for a long time..."
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite

    I really can't wait for him to meet the blackwhip guy again xD

    Before Rumi could ask what the hell he was talking about, Izuku surprised her greatly by pressing the tip of his dick against her cervix and extending an incredibly thin tendril of Blackwhip directly into her womb, splintering it like a cat o nine tails to 'tickle' the inside of her uterus.
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à UncrownedKing

    lol it would make sense. Koji is the person in the school that knows every secret but is too shy to tell anyone else about them.

    "Stay focused..." said Shoji, splitting his tentacles to produce ten fists as he launched himself at the rampaging 10-Pointer. As he did so, Sero shot a white, tape-like substance from the 'dispensers' in his elbows, attaching the ends to two different buildings before retracting them rapidly, flinging himself into the air like a slingshot. He was one of the few people in Class 1-A who hadn't realized what was going on, but he didn't press the matter as now was neither the time nor the place for idle conversation...
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à Einlion

    to be fair that was only after her parents practically forced her to repress her desires for several years into puberty. when she was a kid she was really only fascinated with it and thought it was pretty. she could have been taught better or healthier ways to express herself.

    ("What a creepy Quirk...") thought Izuku, even though he also considered it fairly OP. If not for the restriction that the user could only manipulate the blood from their body, Sekijiro Kan, better known by his Hero Name, Vlad King, could have been a monster. With the right Perks, he very well might be...
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à UncrownedKing

    I could be wrong but I think his father was actually sending them money so she might have been a stay at home mom. would probably explain how she put on weight too.

    Though he hadn't 'planned' to fuck Mei, Izuku had always considered it a possibility. He also had the express permission of the girls, who basically viewed Mei as an extended member of his harem, so he didn't hesitate to reply, "My place should be fine. I recently installed some sound panels, a thick carpet, and a quick-access hatch I can use to sneak in and out if the situation requires it. We just need to avoid my Kaa-chan, or things might get awkward..."
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite

    This is the best I could have hoped for. Thanks for your patience, Ein. Looking forward to what he does with all those rerolls 🤑

    Ch 68 Chapter 67
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite
    Répondu à UncrownedKing

    now that I think about it, retconning the toga save does seem pretty harsh especially with the backstory we were given. Plus it'd make sense if she genuinely wanted to work on herself after regaining her sanity instead of wanting to date someone.

    Ch 68 Chapter 68 Preview
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion
  • Phantowhite

    I can dig it, but I would have liked the Eri encounter to be shown instead of told. Judging by the other comments I see that I'm not the only one. She is one of the most loved characters in the story after all. If you're accepting opinions, I would go with the goddess setting up a meeting with him and Eri since I do like the title, exp and small wake up call he got. As for Inko and All Might? I can't say I really cared either way lol. I'm happy they got together but I think it would have been nice to see All Might helping her get in shape. any case, keep up the good work.

    Ch 68 Chapter 68 Preview
    BNHA: Singularity
    Anime et bandes dessinées · Einlion