I am me, and me loves reading
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It's alright to have your own opinion, I just feel that if I wanted my trashy Chinese translated novels to be like English novels, I'd just read on Amazon instead of webnovel.
Don't worry, at worst it will emphasise how the words appear, not make them different words
I agree partially, that is why I only gave 2.4 stars instead of one.
I personally think AI makes it more unreadable, not because it doesn't make sense, but because the AI doesn't translate faithfully. I don't know if it is an option the translator can choose, but I swear the AI translations have more drama and details compared to mtl or edited mtl, so I feel that AI translations are basically a robot's fanfic of a story or fanfic.
I'm a bot for writing a review calling the author out in relying on AI to make the story less readable than mtl? Ok man
It's tough as a fanfic reader these days, reading AI translated and 'upgraded' stories with their inconsistent character positioning and size from random italics and bolding leave your head feeling like you shook it in every direction. Give me xianxia slop any day of the week. At least I can enjoy something not pretending to be better than it is.
Like this sentence, what does thenolding give you? More ink used if you were ever to print it?
Man, what's the deal with bolding face here? The italics looked alright but you don't have to baby your readers into comprehending what you are telling. If anyone picked up a normal book, there would only maybe be rare italics, so I am not sure where this horrible trend came from to exaggerate writing by treating your story like a concussion.
If you prompt an AI to translate or write a story, it will preface the paragraph with a descriptive title.
Author is copying AI translation rules for emphasising words, highlighting half of them to add impact. I have no clue why any author or AI translator would think people want to READ like THIS.