I'm just a friendly writer who writes for fun and maybe get a couple of bucks for some sweet sweet cheese.. Yeah I like cheese, will write mostly fanfics but maybe my original works too someday
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Goodra is decent, but goomy and sliggo's stats are awful. The only good stats are their sp defense. Also pseudo-legendary ain't mean jackshit when it comes to type matching imo. A Metagross can be one shot by a houndoom despite being being pseudo-legend.
thanks, tho that'll probably be in the future. I'm currently working on an original novel too, the title is Celestial Cabaret. Do look it up, only 2 chapters out for now tho. I'm aiming to try and update daily or 4 chaps a day till chapter 100. since you've seen the amount of forced comedy i do. Please see if the amount I made is still too much or just enough to not feel cringe
oh it's fine, i wrote this like 4 years ago when I just started writing. yeah, reading back made me realize i lean too much on comedy...gotta remake it one day.. thanks for reading by the way, have a great day
Actually, he already tested it on someone. He only injected the same amount to kill his brother (former body owner)...which is...not much unfortunately
True, true
Ah I got that wrong, thanks for pointing it out
Wasn't tsubame gaeshi kojiro sasaki's signature move?
'Grandma' ain't evil tho, also the magic thing here is cause I'm using Japanese folklore as the base for this kimetsuverse, all will be explained in due time
I am speed