


fun loving

2018-12-25 JointGlobal



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  • cherryberry
    cherryberry3 years ago

    okey author what the fudge is going on, what's your point why are you just literally murdering your own story, at some point you just got to stop, what's the use of getting to 1000 chapter buy dragging on the plot unnecessarily and creating dumb bad dog blood plot, your work is beautiful but the longer you drag it on the more it loses it's uniqueness, i couldn't get enough of it before and i was just shaking when i saw new chapters, but that excitement got lower and lower and lower till it was basically just gonna i just basically stoped read and came back after a while to check up on it and you managed to drag the story on for a a hundred more chapters and i was just shocked by how dumb meaningless and basically flat the the story went, i refuse to believe it's the same author writing this, this is definitely someone else not the author who got me hooked with just the title and kept me coming back for more, now i don't really ever care about how the story ends .... please come back author

  • cherryberry
    cherryberry3 years ago

    i was so excited after reading this arc......soso read the book and surprisingly made it to 100 chapters ....i almost died of a heartache it was so sad and annoying i almost couldn't believe i was reading the same a book from the same author....i had to quite my heart literally could not take it, my chest pains came back cause i was too triggered, but it's really good if you can stand the pain