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I heard somewhere that there are no breeds in Zootopia. The dog and cat breeds are a human nobility fad that got out of hand. So in Zootopia there are no domestic cats and dogs but there are wolves and small and big cats.
Well he said it's a display piece. So it could just be a replica. Like something to add to the vibe of the store. Basically as powerful as a cosplayers weapon.
So an interesting spell he could use on a vampire he actually likes is the one that turns a normal vampire into an energy vampire from midnight Texas. There's only one vampire withe power there but he was turned by a spell or ritual not sure which. They get blue eyes and the ability to feed on emotions. They can also drain other vampires and kill them by draining everything.
Alchemy from full metal alchemist - because the transmutation is always useful, siphoning from the vampire diaries - may not be the most needed thing but it may speed up his absorption or even make it more precise, fairy tale magic is also a good pic not just the slayer magics but also something like make(ice, wood) magics are useful(if he gets arc of embodiment then he could to most anything).
I really hope Hephaestus finds a better wife then Aphrodite. Maybe he marries with Aglaea or maybe even Kabeiro
So I'm guessing his parents are supernaturals or supernatural hunters.
I have a theory. Is it possible that he can only imprint on someone when his romantic and friendship meter reaches 100. Because in the Sims 4 when that happens then the Sims are considered soulmates. Which means that he could theoretically imprint multiple times.
You know becoming a magic caster in Sims can be quite powerful provided you can use all the spells that have been in the Sims game series. Like Sims 2 had actual time stop magic. And bot Sims 3 and 4 can resurrect people. By the way can he use alchemy? Because it has some cool effects and if he ever changes hi mind on immortality he can just drink a potion. Ps: is it possible for him to cultivate a death flower or a money tree seed?
Why have you written Hades like he is afraid of offending or angering Poseidon. Poseidon, Zeus and Hera are prideful bricks if you walk on eggshells when you interact with them then they are going to walk all over you (use you like a doormat). Ps: sure Poseidon is unpredictable by normal means but Hades now has the power of divination (weird you haven't used it yet).
Will the powers he has evolve into a sort of domain like he passively purifies the chaotic energy around him or controls or senses things in the domain very accurately.