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I normally don’t read gaming novels, but this immersed me inside the novel so quickly I didn’t even notice it. Keep up the good work and good luck!
My goal is to surpass the 100k threshold. I’ll try my best. Thanks so much for reading!
The characters were relatable and the storyline a familiar history. I truly appreciate the historical references immersing is in that world. Good luck and keep on writing!
The confusion is real from the get go, hurtling us down the rabbit hole. The writing is stabilizes us inside the characters headspace, leaving us just as confused. Very interesting read!
I appreciate your feedback. It’s hard sometimes figuring out the drawbacks in your own writing style. Ill definitely play around with it. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for the comments!
Pretty good writing. Like every one else, I enjoyed the uniqueness of the pairing. Good luck with your writing and keep on it typing away!!!
The opening compels you to read further, just so you can see the inevitable face slap. What a good way of hooking the reader. Here’s to hoping for continual releases! Good luck
The characters are relatable and you do a really good job setting the pace, easing us into your world instead of immediately dropping us there. Good luck with your writing!
Nightmares. I can see why you’d have the urgency. No one wants to be stuck there! Good idea and good writing with a unique bend on reward and punishment. I wish you the best!