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The simplest way to fix it is to remove the part where Leon had to release the evidence to the public to have the royals actually move against the Forest Ladies. Just rewrite that part with Royals actually doing stuff without being forced and it's more or less fixed. They'd still look like incompetent rulers but at least they're not actively malicious in that case. Anything else needs actual drama, politics and probably losing a waifu(that you obviously like) and it's obvious you don't want that. I'd personally love for a more antiroyal fic since that's how you wrote stuff earlier and a pay off would be nice but such is life. At least new readers won't have the issue with the MC and people in the world in general not reacting to obvious evil/enemy action against them. Personally hate how hard he simps for the queen and how sudden and forced their whole interaction feels but at that point it's just subjective taste so I can't comment on that.
You can do with story as you wish, it's your right as the author, but be aware that you left a Mariana Trench sized plothole while destroying the character of your MC. It has very little to do with seriousness and everything to do with story continuity and common sense. You basically started at A with the idea of getting to B but wrote the journey from A to B in a way that makes the whole thing forced and unnatural, even pure crack stories have some semblance of sense in their journey. It's gonna be hilarious if he at any time laughs at the 5 idiots while he himself is no better, maybe even worse since the 5 at least have some semblance of character and belief at the end of the day.
Hell, if I guessed correctly, half of the current Leon was a child soldier, she should be even more incensed than just a regular person.
Then don't have the royal family have to be forced to actually do something against a conspiracy that's killing their subjects children, children that may well have been Leon himself and the little brother that he apparently loves very much. Do you not see how utterly spinless this whole turn of events makes Leon look? He had to strong arm the royals into actually doing something, which you know, would leave anyone with a pretty negative outlook at their leaders, and now he's full on simping for the actual leader of said royals that he had to strong arm. Oh boohoo she's sad because her scheme to make the MC Julius backer failed, what about the many children that got fucked over because of her or their parents. The simple fact that the queen tacitly approved of the forest ladies scheme(that has been going on for who knows how long) to kill of CHILDREN should at the very least generate some revulsion. Don't break SOD for a waifu.
Yep, as expected, ignore everything that happened so far with the forest ladies because she's hot. Also holy shit, their whole interaction feels forced as hell. This might be one of the few long form mobuseka fics out there but it's going into a disappointing direction it seems. Maybe don't write the royal family as pseudo antagonists if you're going to ignore that whole plot point for a waifu.
Can't say I'm surprised, just disappointed. We're ignoring characterization and plot for a "MILF".
I get the feeling that he's gonna simp for her rather than taking her to task for the Forest Lady thing. Considering both him and Collin would be likely dead at this point if he wasn't OP, it's gonna be disappointing if it's the case. At least they way you wrote it so far, she's very much complicit in the death of many young boys.
Why? They are, as the other commenter said, allied to the royals with which he's ostensibly against atm. Yes he knows that won't last but it will be a major fuck up for the saviour of the border nobles to align under the royals after he unearthed their conspiracy. Most people don't have future knowledge after all. He's very much larger than life atm and even if he doesn't realize that one of his AI's should. Maybe all of this won't matter for the plot but it just annoys me that there's a chance that the worst offenders in the early plot got axed with no real repercussions to their backers. Doesn't need to be a full on war but there should be a very cold war going on right now between border nobles and the high nobles. Also weird that he cares about "traitors" to the kingdom when the kingdom itself is actively trying to kill his family if nothing else.
Like, legit it wouldn't surprise me if the border nobles as a whole just didn't care if the eventual invasion happens and just surrender on the spot. Especially when they still need to humiliate themselves to marry as you said later in the chapter. From their perspective a major conspiracy to kill their children and wealth got unearthed, the royals had to be forced to do something at gun point but they still need to force their children to humiliate themselves not knowing if there's a Forest ladies 2 or 3 in the shadows while also knowing that even if there is, nothing is going to be done to stop it, maybe even encouraged. Leon should also be pretty disillusioned by the royals and the kingdom in general at this point since he does consider his family as family and not some npc's.
It would be nice if the story and the MC himself didn't forget this tidbit when he meets the Queen. I know everybody simps for her but she's complicit in many deaths and could have been complicit to his and his little brothers deaths as well if he wasn't as strong as he is. I legit hope this doesn't get twisted in her somehow not knowing considering she's pretty much running everything afaik. I'd also expect the border nobles to be utterly furious even if that anger is mostly impotent. Either way this one paragraph should foreshadow many many many things going wrong for the royals.