Sod off mongrels!
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Its a good story nonetheless. But I'm just disappointed, since I'm not into harem anymore. This story is just that good, that makes me feels more disappointment after a while. A good story, great characters, but not my stuff since it heavy focused on the harem and characters building in the early stage of stories.
Just to say, I'm kinda depressed right now. But reading those "Dying would be the easy way out.." kinda remind me, and cheer me up in a positive way. Just want to say thank you author.
Come on AllMight give your OFA to MC already. We want to see some ridiculous power up!!!
Man this idea is good, havent seen anyone write about this particular fanfic. i hope you can progress your writing as the you write this. This chapter lacked the original suspense feeling. Its written solely for those whom already read the original novel, even i forgot some of the characters. You can try to add a few more original novel info dumps tho. Just a lil bit.
now this is really a turn off
I think what author thoughts about Kenichi being strong so fast is quite reasonable. Not only Kenichi but also other characters also progressing quite fast compared to their power in their respective first appearance. Because the plot started so the shit began to go awry, so people need to get bigger, stronger. After all developement could progressed so fast because theres a need to. Just like how the Nuke first came to play.
i was hoping he would use Joestar as his hero name.
nvm the upper part. Just read MC did explains about the noise parts.
thanks for the chaps, and actually you could make MC explains the situation much better. Such as; since they trapped in a traffic jam with countless people, they bound to make some noise, a loud one, what would you think will happens if such a loud noise coupled with countless people gathered in one area? Till this day i still cant understand why in the anime there werent any zombies coming to the bus, srsly with all those horns theyre basically shouting "We're here mf" lmao
I NEED MORE CHAPTERS!! reading this after coming from work is just right.