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The story is very good, the web novel lacks more works like this,very good to pass the time, It's nice to see something that doesn't have to do with a truck running over someone and getting wishes, please don't stop making more of this story
Simply wonderful fanfic, very original ideas that keep the reader waiting for more, I'm here every day looking to see if there's an update, I'm stuck in this story
Best overlord story I found, at first I read it without any expectations but as the story progressed I got hooked on it, it brings peace of mind reading, keep up the good work author
Very interesting, a breath of fresh air after so much repeated fanfic, I highly recommend it, I look forward to the next update, keep up the good work author
I love this fanfic, I feel like I'm watching everything. Author add music Calum Scott- Flaws In the story, she is just beautiful 🥺
Will Liam have an enhanced avatar body or will he remain "human"? Very good story, good work author
This story is so good, I'm hooked. Thank you author, send more please
Story with a lot of potential, there aren't many stories about the Monstersverse, I hope the author continues the story and releases it with a good frequency, I'm loving it
The story has a lot of potential to offer, I hope the author manages to bring what he wants to the readers and doesn't give up on the novel, I read the novel that served as inspiration for this one and I believe it has the potential to be equally good, and depending on how the author takes the story it can be better