A man of Culture who hates NTR. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/t2gPEt3 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FateDevilAce
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He was fixing the room. 🤣
All things you have said aside, Women with power having consorts and even multiple husbands is Canon in Asoiaf. These things have happened in the real world as well. If you believe that women were never in power in our world and that there were no female warriors equivalent to Knights, then you need to read some history. The world is never Black and White. As for your points about Kingsguard; it's strange that you believe that men, especially warriors, can remain celibate. Celibacy for men never works. It creates abominations. 😄 Why is it that in real-world history, we can not find any successful examples of Asoiaf Kingsguard? Simply because it does not work. Anyways, you do you. It's better to drop a story than to read something that you don't like. Time is precious. Have a nice day, and hope you find something to your liking.
Taking the Black and being a Kingsguard should be two different things right? One is where criminals are sent and the other is considered a truly honourable order. So, why do their Vows have to be the same? Azaerys' Kingsguard is plenty unique. They are still sworn to serve for life, protecting the King and his family. They can still hold no land. They can still not have children bearing their name. Though they can marry, they can not marry out of choice. The King would give them as a consort to a lady of a Noble House, thus binding that House to the Crown in a sense. The future children of the lady will have a sense of honour that their father is in the Kingsguard, and subconsciously, from a young age, they will have more confidence in the crown. The idea of Celibate Men serving as Kingsguard, full of warm blood, and fighters, sounds cool in fiction, but reality is different. Men are not born to be celibate, and if they are forced into it or even if they make the choice themselves, they end up in a constant state of fighting with their demons, and their desires. Being Celibate is not equivalent to being a good and honourable man, neither is it equivalent to being a loyal man. Anyways, yes, Azaerys wants to design the throne according to the Valyrian Traditions and his own ideas. He does not think that adopting the Westerosi Idea of Kingsguard (Taken from Night's Watch by Visenya) is good. He wants to make his Kingsguard unique and unlike the Night's Watch.
Starks are not Villainous, but the intentions of one Lord in the line of many may not really align with the teachings of the ancestors. A couple of bad apples in the basket full of good ones don't make the entire house evil.
The readers need to understand that an elopement (Kidnapping) of a lady by a Crown Prince does not cause a rebellion unless there are forces already thinking of overthrowing the King. Had those forces not been considering getting rid of Targaryens, were truly loyal, and Aerys was sane, things would have been different. In a normal scenario without Aerys' madness and the certain Lords' treacherous thoughts, Rhaegar, for what he did, would have been stripped of his title of the Crown Prince, sent into exile, and Azaerys would have been named Aerys' Heir. That's not what happened. To demand a Crown Prince's head under any circumstance means that the respect and fear for the Crown are long gone. Targaryens had ruled for too long. 300 years and more than half of their reign was without the force that helped them form the Crown. A rebellion was inevitable, especially since they were different from other people. Starks, who hate going south, have a Lord who sends his second son to Eyrie. The Heir of the Storm's End just happened to be the squire of the same Lord. Then Lord Stark decided to marry his daughter, against her wishes (Canon), to a Southern Lord because the Young Lord was infatuated with her. Seriously? Was there no motive? Why did Starks need an Alliance with a Southern Family? Who was truly behind this match? These things were never truly explained in the books. Martin always leaves certain things up to the readers to use their own imagination. And this is what I am doing. I am delving deeper into the layers of politics in this Fanfic, and also into the magical mysteries. Starks were no heroes. Targaryens were no heroes. Robert certainly wasn't a hero. Rhaegar was not a hero either. And Lyanna, young and naive, was not a heroine either. Some people were using their minds, and some were using their hearts. The board was set to usurp the throne, and of course, who better than Robert Baratheon to take it? After all, he had the Blood of Kings, the Targaryen Blood. 🤣 (Sarcasm) Azaerys, who knows everything, has never once said that his father was doing the right thing. As for right and wrong, Lyanna, though not innocent, was not as much at fault for what happened as her older brothers and father were. They pushed her into a corner. Ned and Brandon were not as much at fault as Rhaegar was for the decision he made. Rhaegar was not as much at fault for what happened as Aerys was. And then there were treacherous people with their own motives, who now had enough excuses to rally the people behind their 'cause'. And those with motives, who had been waiting for this opportunity for a while. The Rebellion did not happen because of Lyanna. It's silly to think that a girl was so important in that society, to those people, who used young girls like her to make alliances and considered them nothing more than broodmares. The rebellion happened because powerful people wanted Targaryens gone. We will learn more about these things as the story progresses.
My bad. It's in Chapter 494.
Who told you that they play normal chess? 🤣🤣 I thought I introduced Empyrean Chess here a long time ago. The likes of Rebecca and Amelia don't play normal chess anymore. It is not even fun for them.
Aegon Targaryen (Son of Rhaegar and Elia)
He keeps using them for minor things on and off-screen and actively converts Fate Value to System Points. So, it is not necessary to keep track of them.
He can convert Fate Value into these points.