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No damn way you chose hufflepuff for a descendant of Grindelwald like literally every other Hause would be fine but you go and put him in the house where “ the rest” go and even make him say it’s been his dream 💀
Bro almost 100 chapters in and dude’s still rank one wtf is with him withholding his achievement to and I quote “not be noticed by the gods “ like what r u dump with risk come rewards how do u expect to get stronger by being a pussy
Had to be dark and ice man 👿🥶
Bro tbh with you it makes no sense for someone who basically has to at some point kill Voldemort anyway to lay low like boldly is so mental that he won’t care whether someone who is prophecisied to kill him is weak as hell or strong as hell as hell i mean he literally tried to kill him as a baby so the whole hiding has no meaning that shit only makes sense in a cultivation type of fanfic
Oh it most definitely does the only known example of that being false is prime superman and that is only cause his whole character is build on two things „truth“ and „justice“ he is literally the embodiment of what a hero is supposed to be so yes „ absolute power corrupts absolutely“
Bro Theres no way you just straight up coppied someone’s work word for word and said ‚it’s something you have been thinking about for a while‘ like how much of a clown can you be here’s proof if y’all don’t believe me like honestly any respect I had for you is gone 💀💀🤡🤡
bruh what in the name of jesus is that bs